~Ch.8 Find A Sorcerer~

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Sam dashed down the hall. He had to find Grian. Grian's a sorcerer, he should know what to do, right? Of course he will! Grian knows everything, he has to know what to do!

Sam skidded to a stop when he reached Grian's room. Quickly knocking on the door, he patiently waited for a response. The door slowly creaked open. Grian peeked his head out, when he saw Sam he flashed him a smile.

"Ahh, Sam," Grian opened the door, fully, to let Sam in, "What brings you here?"

Sam entered to see Taurtis was looking over some papers. He glanced up at Sam, "Where have you been all day? I haven't seen you anywhere."

"It's a long story, and I don't know how much time I have," Sam explained.

Grian frowned, "What do you mean?"

"I actually need your help Grian," He handed Grian the book and opened to the page with the story, "Just read this."

Taurtis stood and read over Grian's shoulder. Sam let out a shaky breath, "I know it seems crazy, but this is real and I need your help."

Grian sighed, "I wish I could help you, but I've always been bad at reverse spells. To be honest, most sorcerers are bad at it too. They aren't exactly the easiest things to pull off."

"Well we have to do something, we can't just let this happen," Taurtis crossed his arms.

Sam chewed on his bottom lip, "There has to be someone, anyone, who you know that knows how to do it, right?"

Grian thought for a moment, "Well, there is one person, but it's not for sure."

"It's all we've got, so we have to try," Sam said.

"So, who is it?" Taurtis asked.

"The only person that comes to mind is Ellen, but finding them is where things might be difficult."

"Why? Ellen lives relatively close to here," Sam frowned.

"While that's true, there's no guarantee that their magic sanctuary is located there. It could be anywhere," Grian explained.

"But that shouldn't matter, right? Ellen should be home," Sam said confused.

"Sam," Taurtis began, "Like you said before, we don't know how much time we have before this weird cursed rose strikes. If Ellen's magic sanctuary is far away, that means more chances for something bad to happen."

"Well, we don't have another choice, we have to find Ellen. Even if it's far away, it's the only things we've got," Sam reasoned.

"Okay," Grian sighed, "To Ellen's we go."


Grian knocked on the door as Taurtis and Sam stood behind him. Taurtis had his arm wrapped, protectively, around Sam. Sam was really nervous, everything was slowly setting in and being processed by his brain. It was all too much to handle. If only he hadn't pick that damn rose, then he wouldn't be in this mess.

"Oh, hey guys," Ellen quickly opened the door to let them in. Once they were all comfortably seated in the living room, Ellen smiled, "So, what can I do for you guys?"

Sam chuckled, "Why do you assume that we're here for something?"

Ellen rolled their eyes, "Let's be honest, no one bugs me at home unless they want something."

"Point taken," Sam shrugged, "Do you know how to preform a reverse spell?"

Ellen frowned, "Why would you need me to preform one of those?"

Sam stood and handed them the book, "There is a story in here that talks about a curse rose, and the only way to stop it, is to preform a reverse spell."

Ellen stayed quiet as they read over the story. Taurtis sighed, "Can you or can you not help us?"

Ellen pursed their lips, "Yes, I can, but it will be difficult and I need to gather a few things."

"What for?" Sam questioned.

"For the spell, reversed spell are highly complicated in the sense that they require a lot of ingredients to work, it's almost like making a potion, except the effects cannot be contained nor stopped. Once the spell is complete, there is no changing it," Ellen explained.

"Okay, so what do you need?" Grian asked.

"Well, I have most of the stuff here. The rest should be at my other house, that isn't too far from here. We will be preforming the spell there," Ellen ran through a mental checklist, "Oh! Sam, I will need the rose in order to preform the spell. If you could get it from wherever you're keeping it, that would be lovely."

"Okay, grab the rose and meet back here?" Sam asked, just to make sure he understood.

Ellen nodded, "Yes, I should be all packed by then. After that we can head to my other house and begin the spell."

"Great, we'll see you soon," Grian said.

"Also, please do hurry, we probably don't have a lot of time. Plus the spell will already take long to prepare," Ellen added.

"Don't worry, we'll be back before you know it," Taurtis smiled.

Hey guys, so I'm really tired. This story will be coming to a close soon. I'll end it at 10 chapters. Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful day and I'll see you in the next chapter, Bye~!

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