Chapter 1: A New Start.

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Ryder lifted the body out of his cars trunk. Emmet Hanson was heavy. Ryder walked to the bunker. He dropped Hanson. He took away the floors planks. He looked down at four bodies covered with blankets. Younes, Da Santa, Ford and Shire. Younes was a hitman for the local mafia, Da Santa killed his wife, Ford had killed a abortion doctor and Shire had killed her boyfriend. Ryder covered Hanson in a blanket and laid him in his place. Ryder had now killed 27 people. 26 planned kills. Ryder closed the floor planks. He locked the door to the bunker and ran back to his car. Ryder had waited for a long time to kill Hanson. Hanson changed his schedule a lot for a hacker. Hanson had digitally robbed a bank along with his friends. He then killed his friends to have all the money for himself. Ryder started the car. In the five minutes that he was hiding Hansons body the car had become really cold. It was only November but it had already snowed. Ryder drove to the café where he would meet Riley. Riley was his partner on a project for Law. They had to "gather" evidence for a "case".

When Ryder arrived at the café Riley was already waiting. 'So this Estaban Dromez was guilty of robbing a store but not of illegal weapon ownership?' Said Riley. 'I think so' said Ryder. 'Jeez. I thought this would be easy' said Riley. 'We don't want to charge him for things we can't charge him for' said Ryder. 'I know. I am not the one who was dreaming the entire last semester during Law, Medical, History and Economics' said Ryder. Riley was the only person at school were Ryder shared all of his classes with. Ryder just couldn't bring himself to staying focused during those classes. During chemistry and programming he managed to stay awake. 'But I still get straight A's though' said Ryder. Riley laughed. 'That should be the case we should be solving'. Riley stood up and said "the mystery of Ryder Faulk. The lazy kid does absolutely nothing but still won't fail his semesters". Ryder laughed. Riley sat down. 'How's Ruben?' she asked. 'The usual. Failing at everything' said Ryder. 'He should really try to do his best. He is just doing nothing except for flirting with every girl and going to parties' said Riley. 'Did he flirt with you?' Asked Ryder. 'He did... I hit him' said Riley. Ryder laughed. Always fun to hang out with Riley

They worked on the project for the next two hours before Riley left. Ryder paid the bill. He walked out of the café to his car. It had snowed again. Ryder had trouble walking through the snow. The campus was extremely big and his dorm was at the other side of the campus. Someone bumped in to Ryder. Ryder looked at the person. It was a she. He was sure he recognized her from some where. 'So how is the Stunner holding up' said the person.

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