Chapter 6: The Attack

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Ryder in a confused faze fell down to the ground. A line of blood appeared in the corner of his eyes. How could he not have noticed? The car outside. He clearly saw it through the kitchen window. He was always so cautious. But even then, who the fuck expected this? The pain that the wound at his ear created awoke him from his faze. The gunman outside the window had stopped shooting. He could see in the corner of his eye how Mitchell was crawling to a kitchen cabinet and hiding inside it. Ryder tried to get up. But gravity pulled him down. He tried again. He managed to keep standing. He stumbled to his room. The gunman outside immediately started firing at him. Luck was with Ryder. He wasn't hit. The mirror shattered and glass filled the floor. A scream filled the room. It seemed distant to Ryder. He opened the door. He looked behind him. Keith laid on the ground. He was clearly dead. He was hit by most of the bullets who were probably meant for Ryder. Just then the front door flew open. Salah Dar Seljuk came in. He fired at Ruben. The drunk couple hadn't even moved. The unnamed girl was riddled with bullets. Seljuk turned his gun at a scared Otto. A clean shot through his head ended Otto's life. Blair screamed. Blair died. Her body hit the floor. Roger must have thought he was a hero. Well He kind of was. Roger attacked Seljuk and struggled with him for his gun. This gave Dennis, Ned and Harry a chance to run past Seljuk and go through the door. Ryder didn't see where Tim or Amanda was. Probably both dead. Seljuk then pushed Roger away with his left arm and then just a quickly shot Roger through the head with a secondary firearm. Only then Seljuk noticed Ryder. He pointed the gun at Ryder. Ryder closed the door and locked it quickly. The bullets just went though the wooden door. Ryder jumped away. Again he was lucky. He wasn't hit. But a bullet destroyed the lock. He could hear Seljuk walking cautiously to the door. Ryder crawled behind his bed which gave him cover if Seljuk would get in. Ryder quickly sticked his arm under the bed. Seljuk opened the door. Where was the gun. Seljuk fired at the bed. A sharp and a burning pain went through Ryder's left arm. He was hit. He could hear Seljuk move towards him. Cautious like a predator he could hear Seljuk shuffle over the floor. 'Where was it?' thought Ryder panicked. He saw Seljuks leg. Where is it? Seljuk stood clearly in sight. He pointed his automatic rifle at Ryder. A loud bang filled the room. Ryder couldn't hear because of the peep. A warm red liquid fell on Ryder. Blurred his vision. Seljuks head was thrown backwards. Seljuk fell backwards like in the movie. Red mist had flown through the room. Several pieces of brain were on Ryder's closet. Ryder's personal fire arm had broken his hand because of the kickback. Ryder knew the cops were coming. He had nothing to hide in his room. He had hidden everything in his bunker. He tried to get up. Didn't work. Small foot steps walked outside of his room. Amy appeared. She mostly unharmed. 'You are hard to kill, aren't you?' she said. Ryder couldn't get a word out of his throat. He felt it bleeding. He must have cut himself on glass when he fell from his chair. Amy walked towards him. 'Are you all right?' She asked. Ryder shook his head no. 'You are weak.' She said 'you think you'll live?. I don't think you wont'. If she's making a joke, it's not working really well. Her next move was not really what Ryder anticipated. At first it looked like she had cried. She was covered in Keith's blood but not wounded herself. This was weird because she sat in the way of the gunman outside If that man wanted to kill Ryder. Keith was riddled with bullets and saved Ryder by just sitting in the way of the bullets. But Amy wasn't hit somehow. At first it seemed like she wanted to help Ryder. But that was not what she probably meant when she jumped on him and closed his throat with her hands. Ryder could feel his neck wound hurt. Her hands were cold. Ryder didn't make a sound. He became dizzy and his head light. 'This is what happens if you fuck with Torghan' she said to him. Ryder closed his eyes. This is how it would end. But suddenly the force of her hands was removed. He could breathe again. He could hear Amy scream and beg. Her 'please no' was cut short with a gun shot. Ryder was dragged at his feet. He was still too dizzy to see properly. He got a splash of cold water in his face. This helped. When he could finally see he was welcomed by the face of Ruben. Ruben was hit in the stomach and arm. His brown face was pale because of his blood loss and he looked a lot older. 'Keith is dead, man' he said to Ryder. Ryder couldn't answer. He could hear the sirens. He heard voices and people running in the hallway. Ryder saw Mitchell enter the line of sight. He pressed his hands on Ryder's wounds.'Don't you fucking dare to die on me, Ryder. Because I will fucking go Heaven and kill you for that' said Mitchell. Ryder turned his head. He was greeted by a dead Amanda. Her lifeless body laid face first on the ground. He couldn't see where she was hit. A shaken and wounded Tim stumbled out of the room. Police came into the room. 'Yes, the shooter is in there and another attacked is also there. But we killed them in self defense. They are both dead'.

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