Chapter 5: A ruined party

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Ryder had to a lot of investigation. He looked through all the evidence of Brent Fawkes. Rafael De Luca was a lawyer and fixer in the underground. A lot of ties to the Arabian mob and the banker for the mob. So that means that Brent took a loan from De Luca. De Luca was a former lover boy and former pimp. He had searched Makan's house for info. The connections with the names Fawkes gave me were true. Ryder also find out that Raheem was the younger brother to Jamal Torghan. Jamal was the now the practical leader of the mob after Makan el Surjou's "disappearance". That might turn in a bloodbath for the control of the mob. Torghan probably ordered the death of Fawkes but with the two hitmen there was no direct evidence that they were involved. They were indeed hitmen who killed people. This meant that they would become his victims no matter if they killed Brent. A part of Ryder said that if he killed the people Dawn originally wanted him to kill he could be done with it. His friends were being very loud in the living room. He should join them.

He came out of the room. 'Here comes the nerd' yelled a drunk Ruben. Ruben had a blond and small girl who was also drunk on his lap. The girl kissed him on his lips and Rubens attention was diverted. Rubens party friends were also here. Five  guys who had also been on our high school had become his group along with a new guy named Otto and two girls Amanda and Blair. His high school party friends were Tim –who Ryder had never seen before college-, Ned –which Ryder also hadn't seen before college-, Dennis -one of Joffrey former friends-, Harry –who was a practical nobody but hanged with Ruben anyway- and Roger –who is the same high as Harry-. And the girl on Ruben lap was Marry-Ann. Or was Kyra? Ryder forgot her name or confused it with one of Rubens other conquests. Doesn't matter. The sitting corner of the living room was littered with beer cans, chips and other alcohol products. Tim was making out with a drunk Amanda while laying on the couch. It was very unpleasant to look at. Mitchell, Keith and a skinny, very pale, brown haired girl  are sitting at the table with a bottle of wine in front of them. Mitchell and Keith were talking very fast about video games while the girl was just listening. Ryder sat down at the table. 'Yo Ryder, this is Amy' said Keith happy. Amy immediately  kissed him on the cheek. Mitchell made a retching sound. 'Should I punch the teeth out of you're fucking mouth' said Keith to Mitchell. Ryder laughed. He caught Amy throwing regular glances at him. Ryder felt weird about that. Ryder noticed things other people didn't. That was the predator thing about him. But he didn't understand why she kept looking at him. She glanced every 20 seconds or so. Like if she wanted to stay here. Ryder tried to ignore it. He listened to Mitchell who had continued about video games. It was mostly him boasting about he had grown up and was now beating Keith at his own terrain. Ryder tried to focus on the conversation. Although he had played games, it was mostly because he owned them and was just bored so he would play them to pass the time. He mostly liked reading about art and poetry. He didn't know why though. He would not read poetry that much but just read things about poetry. Keith and Mitchell knew each other for a long time and they had grown up gaming together. Ryder and Ruben had only "joined" the group when they went to the same high school. Ryder had known Ruben since Middle school. 'I swear I would kick both you're asses with just defense' boasted Mitchell. 'Yeah make it easy for me. I need those extra points to level up. Even Amy could beat you when you are on attack' said Keith. Ryder stood up. He was getting a drink. He walked to the fridge. He was probably the neatest in this entire student dorm. He took his glass and then opened the fridge. He could barely see his bottle of soda between all the cans of beer. He tried not to knock anything over but three cans fell out of the fridge. This apparently very funny cause this caused great laughter with Ruben and Co. 'What a fucking retard' said Harry. This angered Ryder. Within two seconds he crossed the room and before Harry could react he was lifted of the ground. Ryder could easily lift the light weighted boy of the ground with only one arm. 'What?' Said Ryder. Roger immediately stood up and rolled up his sleeves. Blair nervously laughed. A drunk Ruben started laughing hysterically. The unknown girl on his lap only looked at Ruben. Amanda and Tim hadn't even noticed. Ned took a cigarette and just started smoking. Otto was busy with his phone. Dennis looked with a dumb glance, like he was child who saw something amazing on the TV. Harry answered. 'I didn't hear you' said Ryder. 'Please' said Harry. A wet spot appeared between his legs. Ruben and Dennis started laughing. Blair, Otto and Roger laughed nervously with them. Ryder let Harry fall to ground as Harry gasped for breath. Ryder walked to the fridge. One can was broken. He put the other two back in the fridge. He would clean this up tomorrow. He filled his glass. He sat back down in his seat. Keith looked in awe at Ryder. Keith went to the gym regularly to make impressions on Amy. Mitchell had seen Ryder like this before. He wasn't very amazed. 'That was really cool, Ryder' said Amy. 'It wasn't that cool' said Keith 'I can do that too'. 'Just admit it was cool, Keith' said Mitchell 'then you seem less like a jealous bitch'. Ryder just wanted a drink. So it was quite surprising when a bullet shattered it.

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