Chapter 13: A Unplanned Game

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Mitchell screamed of fear when Ryder pointed his gun at his head. Mitchell tried to breath. Ryder lowered his gun. Ryder was breaking loose. He still couldn't bring himself to killing Mitchell. 'You are... You are...'. Mitchell stuttered. Mitchell didn't looked scared, sad or angry. He looked impressed. 'What?! A murderer?! A liar? A monster?! A serial killer?!' Yelled Ryder 'Cause I am all of those'. 'You are the Stunner' said Mitchell. 'Yes' said Ryder. 'All this time?' 'Yes' 'during the Craywood massacre?' 'Yes' 'you killed Robb?' 'Yes' 'but... Did you cause Keith's death?' 'Probably' 'and all those deaths back at high school' 'probably, but Robb also did most of the deaths'. Mitchell had to process that. 'And you worked together?' Asked Mitchell. 'No' said Ryder. 'He was my "nemesis"'. If Ryder could talk Mitchell into not speaking about any of this, than it would be nice. 'I followed the Stunner. I was fascinated by him and all the time he was right in front of me. I don't know if I need to hate or admire you'. 'I have things to... Kill. So I'll leave you with your identity crisis. But first I need to know. How did you get here?'. Mitchell answered simple. Ryder already had expected the answer but he need to know it for sure. 'She told me that you needed help. You know the lesbian girl. You live with her. Sam'.

Ryder left Mitchell where he was. He would deal with that later. He arrived in downtown Kelford. De Luca's villa was well guarded. There were a couple of guards. Not a lot. He climbed onto the villas second floor and through a window. With fast and quick movements he moved through the hallway. Every door had a girls name on it. Ryder arrived at the biggest door. It had the obvious name of Rafael on it. Ryder opened the door. A big arm tried to grab him. Ryder Immediately avoided the arm and swirled around the man. Quickly he kicked at the mans kneecaps. The kneecaps broke. Ryder quickly stabbed his needle in the mans neck. Ryder had forgotten when he put his needle there but in a reflex he used it. The man went down shocking. The man could barely breath before he went unconscious. 'Oh. I have a way better weapon now'. De Luca came walking in. A small red haired girl hold up a rifle. 'You were fooled by the girls, Ryder. Some infiltrated girls where your downfall. Some high school girls, orphans and sluts became your downfall'. Ryder understood now. Amy, Sam and so many more where just mere puppets of De Luca. De Luca had never let his former assets leave. He used them to infiltrate, blackmail and even murder. 'Amy. Sam' said Ryder. 'You have been played' said De Luca 'but I admit that it was really fun to see you kill everything in your way. At first I thought I need to kill this amateur as soon as he arrived in Kelford. But then I put a trap up. See Dar Seljuk was my man and I has raised Sam since her parents where gone, all though I raised her a whore. She was loyal.. He killed Brent, I pushed Dawn in your direction, I allowed you to kill El Surjou. Then you were supposed to be finished but Dar Seljuk, Amy and my dead friend Adam over there were supposed to kill you. I decided something else. I ordered Adam to kill Keith in your place and then see if you could survive Dar Seljuk and Amy. Amy had done a lot of work to infiltrate, you know. Wasted. Not that I cared. I then managed to set you up perfectly. It resulted in the deaths of Jamal and Ali. Like a good dog you killed them. But you probably wondering why I killed your friends again. See the reason why your friend Riley had to die was simple. She knew Sam to well and it was a perfect threat for you. I planted some kid there to see if you would kill him to cover up evidence. You had killed an innocent person you didn't knew. You know. Jordan's aunt. And you then killed Ned. But Mitchell was a step too far. He lived. My fault. I don't really care if you grew attached to any of them. Now you work for me Ryder. It's quite easy to be honest. Dawn and all of your friends live and you continue to work for me'. Ryder saw a crack in De Luca's appearance. He was lying or bluffing about something. The rifle? no, it was cleary loaded. Was he scared of Ryder? No, why would he be, he was way too confident that Ryder was a threat. Did he had Dawn, could be'. Ryder quickly drew his gun. The red haired girl fired in panick. Ryder dodged the bullet and fired. The red haired girl was hit in the chest. She crumbled as if I he bullet was to heavy for her. She fell backwards. Ryder tackled De Luca. 'Critical mistake, Ryder. You friends will die' said De Luca laughing. 'You have miscalculated, Rafael. I don't care about my friends or Dawn. As you saw I just killed them in a shed. Also your men -or girls for that matter- are scared of you. They won't avenge you when you are dead. That's you miscalculation Rafael... And also your death. I don't do dirty work as a dog you own'. De Luca smirk disappeared. Ryder took his needle. He refilled it with poison. De Luca tried to struggle but Ryder kept him down to the ground easily with just his legs and weight. Ryder easily injected the poison by needle into De Luca's neck. De Luca started foaming. He shook wildly. And then died. The stop of the breathing, his eyes that stopped moving and the hart stopped. It was calming. 35 kills. A lot of them weren't planned anymore. He was killing out of anger and self preservation. Not a lot of planned kills anymore. He didn't exactly care.

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