Chapter 7: A Full recovery.

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Ryder woke up in the hospital. His mother is pacing through the room. Ryder moved. His mother ran towards him. 'Oh thank god, you are awake'. His mother was an old lady. As she was forty when she got Ryder so she became sixty two months ago. Ryder's birthday is in December. A bit on the wide side as well. She has short blond hair with pure blue eyes and with a flat face. She was friendly but a bit dumb. He always called her with her name. 'Lorna'. Ryder's father is the exact opposite of his mother. He is pretty young. He was in his in early twenties when he got Ryder. He is now 45. The age difference between the two has always been a weird thing but Ryder accepted it. Ryder's father has like Ryder black hair but Ryder's father is already balding, dark green eyes and a sharp hawk nose. Ryder always had trouble with his father because his father is pretty smart and sly. But also unlike his mother he always called his father 'senior' because they share the exact name. Ryder is Ryder Faulk the Fifth and his father is the Ryder Faulk the Fourth. With family and friends his father is Senior and Ryder is Junior. He also had a two years younger sister named Audrey and a four year younger brother named Jason but they lived with his aunt . His mother shook him. 'Are you alright' she asked him. 'Yes, Lorna' Ryder answered. She slapped him. 'How in god sake did you manage to get shot?!' She yelled at him 'no less than a year ago police saved you from a serial killer and now they save you from hired assassins?!'. 'Can I help it?' Asked Ryder. He could help it. If he just stopped with killing people he would be out of problems. But he couldn't tell his mother that. 'According to the police you were the target of those assassins' said his father. His father had come out of nowhere 'the assassins seemed to target you'. 'Who said it were assassins' asked Ryder innocently. 'The guy YOU SHOT was a known criminal and assassin and he tried very hard to kill you!'. Ryder moved. His right arm didn't move. He looked at it. He was handcuffed to the bed. 'Is Ruben okay?' Asked Ryder. 'He was fired from the hospital a week ago' said his father. 'A week?' Asked Ryder. 'They have just awoken you half an hour ago' said Lorna 'you were in coma for about two weeks'. 'Did I got visitors or something?' Asked Ryder. He needs to get conversation on some other subject then him being a suspect. 'Mitchell comes daily. Riley came twice. And a pink haired girl came to see "if you were still alive". And your teacher miss Cro...' His mother wasn't allowed to talk any further. 'Wait the pink haired girl?' Asked Ryder. 'Yes, a short, pink hair in a ponytail. Said her name was Melissa and that you two met in a club.' Said Lorna ' Is it your girlfriend?'. 'No, Lorna' said Ryder 'I have friends beside Ruben, Mitchell and Keith'. 'Oh, I already thought that she wasn't your type anyway. You should ask Riley out. It's a really nice girl' said Lorna. She wanted to continue but Senior cut her short 'Ryder. You do know that Keith is dead, right?' He said. His words had little effect on Ryder. Ryder didn't really miss Keith. He was always kind off there and now he ended up saving Ryder. That was something which Ryder hadn't processed though. He was saved by a person who had never known that he was going to. But they don't have the right to come in to his life. They don't have that right. 'You missed his funeral' said Senior. That didn't bother Ryder that much though. That was when the door opened. 'M'am and sir, I ask you to leave. We are from the police' asked a low voice. Senior and Lorna left the room. A big Afro-American man entered the room. He leaned against the wall and said nothing. 'I hope you didn't get scared of Adam' said a soft voice. A man in suit entered Ryder's line of sight. The man was average height, didn't wear a particular expensive suit but not too cheap, had glasses who were expensive but repaired several times, weird an old watch, old shoes and was balding man. He was trying to hard not to stand out. 'Where do I get the honor from to be visited by De Luca himself?' Asked Ryder. 'Aah, so he recognizes me. That means I won't have to introduce myself. I am here to talk about business' Said De Luca. De Luca sat down in a chair and crossed his legs. A third man entered the room. A small and a bit creepy looking guy with thick glasses. Jean Dufante. 'What do I need to do?' asked Ryder. 'It's quite easy actually. I want you to kill Torghan. You kill him with your "stunning" set of skills. I am heir and I will take the mob for myself' said De Luca. 'Why do I need to kill him?' Asked Ryder 'you have enough men, I assume'. 'But you have the perfect cover up. "The death of a Crime Boss at vigilantes hands". Oh, would be perfect and a good distraction for both the cops and my own people. They will avenge you and the will go after a "you" but I will send them in a other direction of course' answered De Luca. 'And why would I do that?' Said Ryder. 'First off all because I will not avenge El Surjou's death and kill you, your parents and the remnants of what you call your friends, secondly because you will be able to avenge your friends and help that pink haired hooker and last but not least because I will bribe the cops of your back with this investigation about how you were shot and all' said De Luca 'so. Do you accept?'. Ryder thought. He thought. It wasn't a very hard decision. 'Yes'

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