Chapter 3: A Paper Stand

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Chemistry was the first class. Ryder sat down next to Ruben. Riley was sitting with her friends a few rows before. Keith didn't show up and Mitchell didn't follow chemistry. 'So... Hangover?' Asked Ryder. 'Yup' answered Ruben. 'This is Art right' asked Ruben. Ruben only followed Art, Medical, Chemistry and Culture while Ryder followed Law, Medical, Economics, History, Programming and Chemistry. Ruben didn't took school or college too seriously. 'No, this is chemistry' answered Ryder. 'Shit that's  with the doctors right?' Said Ruben shocked 'if I fail that my parents are gonna be pissed'. 'No Ruben, this is with those potions and mixing' said Ryder. 'Oh yeah' said Ruben. Ryder sighed. He never even touched alcohol before. A piece of paper flew over. Raheem, Jordan, Lewis and Jake were sitting all the way in the back. How they got to college is a mystery. Jake and Lewis was just a rich assholes like Joffrey but Raheem. Raheem seemed like a fucking gangster. Jordan was like his bodyguard. Ryder had checked. Raheem had several family members in the Arabian mob. So connected. They didn't bother anyone particular but they were loud and messy. Mr. Klein didn't really had control. It didn't bother him anyway. He just continued his lesson. Ryder understood. The class room was fucking full. 90 students took chemistry this year. About 60 showed up. It was because of this college being the only one in the entire province. Ryder did had trouble not to fell asleep this lesson. He knew everything about the subject anyway.

When Ryder finished school he had to practically drag Ruben. Mitchell helped with Ruben but Ruben was as tall and heavy as Ryder so it was hard. Ryder could easily lift up Ruben but he couldn't look remarkable. Ryder hated attention and if people saw how strong he was. Oh, then the football team would ask. Much rather fake having trouble with Ruben. They arrived at Mitchell's car. Mitchell got in and started the car. Ryder lifted Ruben inside. But Ryder saw a pink haired girl standing across the street. 'Wait, I have to go and get a book from the library. Go on without me' he said to Mitchell. Mitchell nodded. Ryder waited until Mitchell was out of side. Ryder walked over the street as nonchalantly as he could. He walked to a paper stand and took one. Dawn took a pack of bubble gum and a pack of cigarettes. As the stand owner was helping another person Dawn and Ryder stood right next to each other. 'What the fuck are you doing here?' said Ryder. 'Taking a walk' answered Dawn 'also I found out that Rafael De Luca's friend Jean Dufante has ratted out my brother'. 'Did that Dufante killed someone?' Asked Ryder. 'Yes, my brother' said Dawn. 'Not good enough' answered Ryder cold. 'Yes it is' said Dawn. 'I make the rules of who we are going to kill' whispered Ryder. 'I am killing him anyway' whispered Dawn. 'Go ahead' said Ryder. 'Ah fuck you' said Dawn. 'Meet me the day after tomorrow under that fucking bridge'. Ryder walked away. He didn't had time for this.

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