Impossible to Work With

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I scramble into the car without another thought. The interior is sleek, everything a faceless black from the steering wheel to the floor mats. I eye everything warily until Morgan catches my eye, a smirk meeting me as I look at him.

"Nice car, huh?" He asks and I roll my eyes. "No? You can walk then..."

I puff out a laugh. "Yes, Morgan, it's a very nice car now can you please get me to my meeting within ten minutes?"

"An excuse to actually use this thing the way it's supposed to be used? Absolutely."

I'm pressed back in my seat as he pulls out from the underground garage and presses the petal down a bit too enthusiastically.

"In one piece! In one piece!" I cry, grabbing the door handle as he thunders down the nearly empty roads, not many people are up this early which makes me wonder why Morgan is even heading to the arena anyway.

"Wait, why are you even awake?" I ask him, the sky outside still a dark blue, preparing for the rising sun.

"I come in early once every two weeks for my charity program," Morgan shrugs, glancing in his mirrors as he takes us around the city.

"Oh," I say quietly and thank my stars that it happened to be this morning. "Thank you," I add, risking another glance at him though his eyes are trained on the road.

"Welcome. Why are you so late anyway? Mason said that you're the type that gets pissy when people don't show up ten minutes before a meeting," he glances at me, humor dancing in his eyes as I scowl at the mention of Mason.

"Mason's an idiot. But yes, I hate being late. I'm a control freak and maybe a little uptight, but it's just because I want to do a good job," I babble away, unsure why I'm suddenly trying to defend myself.

"Okay, but you didn't answer my first question. Why are you running late? Alarm didn't go off?"

I look out the window hurriedly, while I have a very good poker face with the media and my friends, I don't think I would be very successful at the moment. "Something like that," I mutter and ignore his questioning stare.

A few minutes pass in silence and I glance at my watch. Nine minutes.

"So, how has Toronto been for you so far?" Morgan asks and I press my lips together to keep from sighing. It's too early for small talk.

"It's been alright I suppose," I say after a beat and receive a skeptical glance in return. "What? It's not like I'm jumping for joy at the thought of going to work. And it's not like I drag my feet around either, it's just... different."

Morgan considers this for a moment and then surprises me by pulling up to a stoplight and giving me a heart stopping smile that quiet literally could break me in two.

"Well, we like having you," he says, the words sounding genuine on his lips, which catches me even more by surprise. All I can do is blink at him as the light turns green and he guns up forward.

Seven minutes.

I bounce my leg up and down anxiously and I dig my phone out of my purse. A message is waiting for me.

Did you die?

It's from Mason. I let out a quiet groan and Morgan glances at me.

Morgan Rielly ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now