Do You Have an Appointment?

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One week later

Morgan POV

"Are you busy again?" I sigh into the phone and Y/N hesitates to answer.

"Just a few more hours, Morgan," she says softly into the receiver, her voice is tired and I already know the look that must be on her face and the hand that must be running through her hair.

Y/N had pulled away this past week since our first night together. Granted, we did spend every night together that I wasn't on the road. We were a mess of tangled limbs and damp sheets from our over warm bodies. There was a desperation in our nights together though, like Y/N was trying to will things to be different. Like she was trying to say goodbye.

But I wasn't going to let that happen.

I meant it when I said that I didn't care that she was moving, I wanted her. Not just as my girlfriend, but here as my best friend and my confident. I knew from the moment the elevator doors opened so long ago and there she was standing in the lobby half-dressed and holding a bag of Chinese food. She had looked so shocked to see me and I knew in that moment that I was screwed.

After I hang up with Y/N, who promised to be home before I fell asleep, I call Mason.

"Hello?" Mason says warily and immediately I'm suspicious. Mason is never timid when I call.

"What are you up to?" I ask, fiddling with the bottle top spinning on my kitchen counter.

"Just finishing up some work here in my office, why?" He asks and there's a bit more confidence in his tone this time.

"Oh good, I was going to stop by and pick up something I forgot earlier," I say and wait for his response.

"What did you forget? Y/N can bring it when she comes home I'm sure," he says slowly, as if he's testing the waters.

"Oh, it's too much for Y/N and I don't think she would be able to find it."

"What is it?"

"Top secret information, Mas," I snicker, I've never dealt with a nervous Mason before.

"When are you coming?" He asks and I smile wide at the wall opposite of me.

"Sometime in the next couple hours, little busy at the moment," I say as casually as I can, sending the bottle top flying across the counter where it falls onto the floor.

"Ahh, well then I'll see you eventually," Mason says and I know he wants to hang up.

"See you," I say after a moment of silence, awkward for him I'm sure.

"Yeah, bye," he says hurriedly and the phone isn't even away from my ear before the call is ended.

There is something that the two of them are keeping from me and I don't like it. I trust them both, I know they aren't getting together, their relationship is too far into the brother/sister zone for that. But Mason knows something about Y/N that I don't and it's been eating at me for the last few days.

I know Y/N is putting distance between us because she thinks it will be easier, but I know better. I may have only known her two months, but I know her inside and out already. Rising from my seat at the bar, I shrug on my jacket and walk straight out my apartment door.

Morgan Rielly ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now