Party Animals

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Garroth's POV

I can't believe I convinced him to stay for the after party. I really don't like my inner gay sometimes.

"Trust me You're going to love these people." I say as I lead Laurance near the entrance to the building where balloons were flying everywhere inside.

"You guys really go all out don't you?" He says and I shrug.

"I don't have a say in anything that happens at these parties. It's all hosted by youtube's staff and Google's funding. It's always even more epic than the year before." I say and he nods.

"I'll bet. Say, Garroth? I haven't seen any girls in your videos. You still single? You don't have to tell me." He says and I gulp.

"Y-Yeah! That's me! Single still. Surprising right? But it's for a different reason I still don't feel comfortable talking about." I say.

"O-Oh... I'm sorry.... I I'm sorry really I didn't know it was a sensitive topic...." He says and I smile.

"It's fine now I want you to meet some of my other friends. Katelyn! Kawaii~Chan! You said You wanted to meet him and he's out here so come on!" I shout and I hear Laurance laugh.

"Wow, loud much?" He says once his laughter toned down a small bit.

"Well it's in my nature for breaking down doors." I say and he laughs.

"Really?" He says and I put my hands on my hips.

"Don't you question me!" I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Prove it! Knock down that door and make a big entrance." He dares and I smile.

"Garroth~Kun! Is that-" I turn around to find Kawaii~Chan racing towards me. I nod.

"Laurance? yeah. Don't attack him with cats ok?" I say and she droops her head.

"Aww.... But that's Kawaii~Chan's normal welcome! You know Kawaii~Chan can't help being a crazy cat lady..." (I bet you can guess who Kawaii~Chan is supposed to be.... HEHE)

"It's fine Garroth. I actually like cats." Laurance says and walks up to the pink haired meifwa.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Laurance and-" He starts but Kawaii~Chan interrupts.

"Kawaii~Chan knows who you are Laurance~Kun! Your Laurasepticeye! Kawaii~Chan watches you everyday! So does Katelyn~Sama but she doesn't admit it." She says as I see a blue haired girl rush into view.

"So You're the new guy right? The name's Katelyn but you might know me better as Marzia. Travis doesn't stop mentioning that I should change my name to it. I'd rather not." She says and puts out her hand to shake Laurance's hand and he takes it without caution. Big Mistake. She takes his arm and flips him. He ends up on his ass on the concrete pavement. I rush over and help him up.

"Katelyn! What was that for?!?!" I shout and she shrugs.

"I wanted to see if he was strong enough and he is. Resistant. That's a good trait for a youtuber. You're good to go Bud." She says and pats Laurance on the back as he's rubbing his lower back where he fell. He winces and scolds

"Watch it! You know when you greet someone like that it makes them not able to do much for you!" He says and steps back.

"Geez. Why don't we get you inside Laurance. Your Girlfriend's already inside. Took a bit of convincing but she's inside, waiting for you." She says and Laurance's eyes lit up.

"Really? You guys actually did that for me?" he says and Katelyn nods.

"Yeah we didn't want your girlfriend to have to stay behind and wait for you." I say and he smiles.

Behind The Camera (a Garrance/Larroth AU)Where stories live. Discover now