I'll Take Care Of You

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*a few days later*
Garroth's POV
I miss him too much...
I hit my record button and I start to record another annoying 'I am Bread' video.

"Hello everybody my name is Gariplier and welcome back to I am Bread." I start and my phone goes off.

"Ugh! I'll have to start over..." I trail off and hit the end record button. I walk back over to my bed and see my phone had 4 messages from Laurance and 12 messages from Katelyn.

Well that's Katelyn.

I unlock my phone and look at her messages.
(K-Katelyn G-Garroth)
K-Hey Gar!
K-you up?
K- I wanted to hang out today.
K-are you even awake?
K- I swear you aren't even up yet!
K- I could strangle you!
K-I was going to have you meet Travis today!
K-Are you on a date?
K- if you are who is it?
K- is it Laurance?
K- it is isn't it?!
I sigh.
She really wants me to be happy doesn't she?

G-Im Not on a date Katelyn. I'd tell you if I was.

K- ok. Im watching you.

G- please don't. That's extremely creepy.

K- fine. Bye!

G-oh ok... Bye?

I roll my eyes.

She's overprotective but I still like her.

I exit the messages for her and look at Laurance's messages.

(Laury- Laurance Gar Gar- Garroth)

Laury- hey Gar Gar~

Laury- Gar can you call me?

Laury- I kinda need you :'(

Laury- if your recording a video sorry!

Laury- Gar?

I coo.

He's too cute. I love him too much.
Gar Gar- sorry babe. I was recording but I can always make time for you. 😘

Laury- oh... Sorry...

Gar Gar- its fine. But what did you need?

Laury- Can you call me? I just wanted to talk.

Gar Gar- ok. Love you babe.

Laury- love you too.

I smile. He's so cute...

I click the phone icon and raise the phone to my ear. 

The music starts to play and I smirk. He always sets his standby music to P!ATD. The L.A Devotee song starts to play and I giggle.

He denies he's a die-hard fan but if you just look at his room it says otherwise.

Soon he picks up.

"Hey Gar. *cough*" Laurance says with a sickly cough.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask.

"N-Nothing... *sneeze* I just *sniff* wanted to see you. *cough cough*" he says. I coo.

He's denying that he's sick. Oh my Irene...

"Laurance your sick. There's no denying it. Im coming over. Your going to rest." I say and before Laurance could protest I hang up.

*sigh* he tries so hard to make it seem like he can't be sick.

I get up from my chair and shake my head.

Behind The Camera (a Garrance/Larroth AU)Where stories live. Discover now