Lost In The Woods

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Garroth's POV
I can't believe in doing this... Laury, I'm sorry for what I'm about to do but... I don't want you to deal with Aph anymore.

I frown as I walk away from my boyfriend who was looking at me with intense worry in his eyes.

"*sigh* Im sorry..." I mutter as I walk into the dense woods with the worried pale blue eyes still staring into my back.

I check my phone. (? Number)- if you want to help your boyfriend you'll come into the woods with me. Your already near them. I roll my eyes and sigh again. I slide my phone back into my pocket.

The daylight was slowly dying as I walked further away from my love. I look ahead to see a small cabin near the river's edge.

That must be it.

I take a deep breath. Your doing this for Laurance... No one else. I take my first step nervously towards the small rundown cabin. I start moving faster, causing the crunching of the leaves under my shoes to become louder.

"Fuck!" I whisper curse the dead leaves below me as I near the cabin.

I finally reach the old brown door as I hear my phone go off again. I pull my phone out again and read the text from the sane number.

(? Number)- glad to see someone listens. Now if its really you... Knock three times.

I sigh and do as the person requests and knock three times on the dark door.

Soon, creaking from the door opening can be heard as the walkway revealed the raven black-haired girl who was behind all this.

"Oh good. Gar Gar actually has a sense of reason. Nighty night Gar!" she says as she swings a bat into my face, causing my vision to blur until it turned black completely.

I open my eyes to feel something wrapped around my wrists. I twist and wriggle a bit before I feel small threads of rope burn against my pale skin.

I wince from my pain as I bring my arms over my head, popping my arms in the process.

I move myself into the uncomfortable position needed to pull my phone from my back pocket. I swipe my pattern and I hit on my messaging and hit on Laurance's name.

To: Laury
Hey Im sorry I've been gone for a little bit longer than I should. Go ahead and get home ok? I'll be fine just don't worry.

I hit send just as I hear the knob on the door start to jiggle. I quickly move around and fail to slide my phone back into my pocket before the door opens to show the same raven haired girl from before.

"Oh... I didn't take your phone away yet? Well then blondie's gonna have to be punished then." she snickers as she picks up the phone and tosses it across the room. A loud crack sounds which sends a sinister smirk to slap onto Aphmau's face.

"There we go. No more contact with Laury. Now... Lets get this started..." she says as she gets closer to me. She grips my wrists and yanks my arms back to their position I had woken up in, snapping them out of their sockets. I scream with pain as I feel something shove itself into my mouth. It felt like a wad of rags.

"Sorry Gar! That's like child's play. The pain's only gonna get a whole lot worse." she says darkly as she marches back through the door.

She comes back with a box that looked too heavy to carry. She sets it down next to me and walks back behind me and undoes the rope while gripping me close to the metal pole holding the ceiling from caving in.

She wraps the rope back around my wrists and ties me to the pole. She goes back to the box and opens it. She grips a large piece of glass and smiles.

(Warning! Graphic imagery ahead.)
She takes the large glass and slides my sleeves up past my elbows and runs the sharp edge deep into my right arm down from the top to my wrist.

I let out a muffled yelp as she does it again with my left arm. She smiles again darkly as she runs the glass deep across my arms.

I try to scream but the cloth muffles it into a small whimper.

Damn this is a thick cloth.

I try to spit the cloth out. The raven haired girl picks it right back up and tapes it in my mouth from the outside.

She cuts through my jeans and deep into my legs causing me to just whimper.

"Giving up already bitch?" she asks as she throws the glass behind her and goes through the tools she brought. 

"Garroth... You see... You did something very bad... Your with MY Laury and that's bad. Very bad....hehehehehe...." she laughs evilly. I shake my head back and forth fast as she pulled out a handful of throwing knives. I gulp. This isn't going to be good at all.

Laurance's POV
*2 hours later*
Where is he? He's been gone longer than he ever is. Something's wrong I can feel it.... Just please be safe.

I get up from my seat and I head towards where Garroth had disappeared into the forest.

*AAAHAHHHAHAHA!!!!!* I hear a nearby scream. I start to panic.

"GARROTH?!" I call into the green abyss. No answer. I call his name again but still no answer.

"WHERE ARE YOU?!" I call. Again, no answer. I feel my phone buzz. I quickly pick it up, hoping to Irene it was the dirty blonde I missed. And thank Irene it was.

Garroth- Hey Im sorry I've been gone for a little bit longer than I should. Go ahead and get home ok? I'll be fine just don't worry.

I roll my eyes. He really is terrible when he lies. But Im hoping to have to leave soon anyways. I can't stay here all night and look.

Garroth... Im coming for you baby. No matter what it takes I promise I'll find you.

Hey guys! Well... I mean... Laurance seemed worried? Right? Ok.... Well...Im offering you guys a chance to vote on something.... Should I start a ask or dare book for Aphmau's characters? Yes or no? Well that's it so... I'll update tomorrow. Bye!

Wait I forgot..... CLIFF HANGERS RULE!

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