Act 000: Prelude Of The Dead

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Act 000: Prelude Of The Dead


「Takane's POV」

I was up late the night before the world as I knew it came crashing down around me.

I remember the sakura blossoms and the sweet scent they left as the pale pink blossoms floated all around.

I remember being mad at my 'brother', Takashi, for something or the other.
I even remember hearing the couple who lived next door fighting over who had to walk their dog, Coco.

It didn't seem any different from normal. The world seemed at rest.
It was the calm before the storm.


Screams echoed through the air as people trampled over each other trying to get out of the building. The dead had already multiplied by then at an alarming rate and now there were more reanimated corpses than people. In short - it was horrifying.

"Get off me!" I yelled, slamming a lunch tray into the head of one of the teachers. He was trying to take a bite out of me and quite frankly, there was no way in hell I was having that.

My hand was grabbed and I was tugged down one of the hallways, running from the dead to preserve my life. My chest heaved and my legs ached but there was no way I was slowing down.

A body slammed into the ground in front of me, neck torn open and face mauled beyond recognition.

I froze up in shock, a hand covering my mouth and my eyes watering almost instinctively.

The body laid still for only a few seconds before dragging itself off the ground and reaching out for me. It was only then that I could move, stumbling back feeling nauseous. My hands shook and my lips trembled to form words.

"Why is this happening...?"


Surviving Deadland [Up For Adoption]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora