Part 7: Killers???

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[ Pssssst!!! Before you start reading, I wanna let you know that I will be appearing in The story as well. You'll know when but I ain't spoilin it!!! Enjoy! ]



"Wait wait wait mean that there're more killers just like you? You were with them??" I looked up at Michael with a grin slowly appearing on my face. "It's a long story...but to sum it up for you. Yes, I have partners." I stopped for a second and looked at him. "Well, what's making me not seeing them?" Michael sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "You don't get it doll. They are killers, they have Noooo problem killing you." I sighed and groaned.

"But what if I want to meet them, I don't give a damn if I get killed"

"but I do."

I sighed in defeat, then crossed my arms. "Fine..." Michael grinned under his mask then looked at me. "Fine Y/ can meet the others. But, before you meet everyone, there is one person that I have to introduce you to" Confusion ran through my head, when he said "introduce you to"
"What do you mean by that??" He chuckled under his mask as the symbol on his wrist glowed. "Patience, my love."

Then everything went black

I started to get my vision back, but when I did, we weren't in the same place we were before. "Mi-Michael...where are we?" My words shuddered out of my mouth, as Michael and I were walking through the woods. "Going to where they are."

After a little while, we came across this small looking shed. Michael pushed me behind him, then knocked on the door.

"Who is it?!" A female voice came from the inside of the shed. "It's the pizza man. I have a delivery as well." The sound of multiple locks being unlocked came from the inside. Then the door opened quickly. I want to sneak a peek but Michael's arms kept me from doing that. "I have someone that wants to meet the family." The female chuckled "and may I ask. Who is it."

"Her name is Y/N, she's a Mortal." Michael pulled my in frontof him, as my eyes landed on this woman. She was 5'8, long bleach blonde hair, one eyes completely black, and the other was an sky blue. She wore a black tight shirt, blue jeans, boots, and a black Beanie. "The name is Violet. And you must be Michael's little play toy~"

Violet giggled and looked at Michael'. I blushed deeply, as he rolled his eyes. "Whatever the guys home?" Violet nods slowly and pointed inside. "They're playing poker to my knowledge. And yes, they're all here." Michael nods and looked down at me. "You ready Y/N?" I nod slowly as Michael took my hand, as Violet leads the way.

"Wait here." Violet stopped at this metal door and unlocked it. When she opened the door, a staircase leading down was dimly lit. We continued to walk down the stairs, I held Michael's hand tightly, making him chuckle. "Don't worry Y/N, Violet and I will make sure they won't kill you." Violet chuckled and looked back at me. "Don't sweat it Y/N, you'll be fine."

(ON HOLD) She's mine. ~•Michael Myers X Reader•~Where stories live. Discover now