Part 9: Old Memories. Fresh Blood.

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Michael and Y/N laid in bed as the sound of rain hitting to roof and windows, making Y/N wake up slowly. Thunder and lightning struck, making her sit up quickly "great..." her words fell out as she lets out a tired sigh. As she got out of the bed and walked towards the window, She yawned lightly and closed the curtains, then walked out of the bedroom and towards the bathroom. After she did her business, she walked downstairs and to the kitchen. All Y/N did was stare out the window in front of the sink in the house. Something felt off to her, but she really couldn't figure out what it was. The Urge of something lingered in her mind. Driving her slightly mad. Heavy footsteps followed down the stair and towards where she was, then followed by a mans muscular arm wrapped around her waist. "Good morning Y/N~" Michael's voice rolled into Y/N's ears, making her grin and purr "good morning Michael~" Michael chuckled and kissed her neck passionately "enjoyed last night~?" Y/N laughed quietly and nods "of course I did~" Michael grins ear to ear then goes off to the bathroom. As he does, Y/N stood there, shaking and panting. After a few minutes passed, Michael returns and notices her actions "you alright Y/N?" Y/N looked at Michael and shook her head. " I'm not alright..." Michael tilted his head and looked at her. "What's wrong?" Y/N looked around and grabbed a butter knife, then tapping the tip of the knife in the counter fast. Michael watched her actions then smirked "awww~ does someone have a blood obsession~?" Y/N dropped the knife on the ground and turns towards Michael quickly "YES!" Michael chuckled darkly and grabbed a small steak knife, then hands it to Y/N. "your gonna need this...It's quite helpful." Y/N gripped the knife tightly as Michael grabbed his mask and knife. "Now...I'm gonna have to teach you a little something." Y/N tilted her head to the side "what?"

"You better get used of getting covered in water and blood."


As the rain hit the cold ground, Michael and Y/N hid behind the trees, watching a car pull into the driveway a few houses down. "The Johnson's....not a very good family. A drug dealer father, alcoholic mother, and the kids are drops out from high school. The daughter is a whore, and the son has a meth and cocaine problem... ." Michael spoke to Y/N as she stalked the father getting out of the car. "Who do we kill first?" Michael chuckled and shook his head, rain dropping off the chin of his mask. "Not WHO we go after first, it's who steps in our path first. Observe...Listen...then you move." Y/N nods her head and continued watching the father tumble inside the house. Then the mother coming out of the car, holding o to a bottle of whiskey. "Yuck...." Michael looked at Y/N and nods "yea...that's why I kill them"

~time skip~

"We interrupt this program with an important message from the Haddonfeild Police" The TV crackled and twitched as the chief police officer was shown. Loud snoring sounds came from the male sleeping on the couch. Moans, thumping, and loud music played above upstairs. The house had a nasty look. But that didn't stop Y/N and Michael from going inside.

As you stepped around the corner, the father was passed out on the couch, holding onto a bidder of beer, then next to him on the coffee table was his left over cocaine. The sight made Y/N disgusted. She looked around and noticed a room of black tape. She grabbed the tape and wrapped the male tightly.

He groaned lightly in his sleep then his eyes fluttered open. His mouth was tapped shut as he tried to yell and move, but failed.

Y/N took the knife Michael gave her and slit his neck. Blood oozed gushed out of his neck, and him making gurgling noises as he choked on his own blood. Then he froze, making him lay there dead. Y/N looked at him for a moment before she walked away. Michael nodded his head and chuckled under his mask. "That's how I killed my fucking lazy stepfather." Y/N nodded and smiled. Then heard loud making again. "I'll get the girl and guy fucking. You go see what the son is doing and the mom." Y/N nodded as they walked up the stairs leading towards a long, dimly lit hallway with doors. Y/N watched Michael as he hid in the closet, waiting from them to finish. Y/N then drew her attention to the door she stood in front of. As she opened it, the saw the boy sitting at his desk, doing what looks like meth, cocaine and other harmful drugs.

Her quiet footsteps followed up behind the guy and got her knife ready. The smell of the drugs started to bother her, making her feel dizzy, until she took the knife and stabbed it on the back of his neck. Blood gushed everywhere making him yell and fall out of his chair. His moaning from the amour of pain he was in sent chills down Y/N's spine; pleasing her. "Ok! Ple-please don't hurt me!" His cries made Y/N not change her mind at all. As she stood above his bleeding body, she raised her foot and started smashing his head into the floor. Blood, skin, hair, bone and his brain splattered all over his room floor. His body slightly twitched then went motionless.

Female screams echoed the other room and into the hall, then as the sound of flesh being torn and ripped apart. Then the house went silent. Y/N walked out of the room just as Michael walked out of the room he was in. Both covered in blood, both satisfied. "Now that was amazing~" Michael chuckled and held her hand as they walked downstairs and out of the house, heading back towards her house. "Not bad~ for the first time. I really liked how you smashed his head into the floor. The bloody hair mixed with his brains in the floor made it look twenty times better."

Y/N giggled similarly and smiled "why thank you babe~" she hugged his bloody, muscular arm and giggled more.


Hey guys!

Sorry about the slow updates and short chapters in all my chapters. I've just been busy with work and school. Thank you all for being patient and I hope you all enjoyed it!

Ta ta~


(ON HOLD) She's mine. ~•Michael Myers X Reader•~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ