Black Swan:BalletDancer!Bendy x BalletDancer!Reader

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Ok. I can do this. I know bendy is all swing and shit but...this is cute lmao. Enjoy~

I sat on the wooden floor listening to the instructions of my dance teacher. "Ok. Today one of you young ladies will be chosen to play the role of the black swan for our preformance of Swan Lake. You will be dancing with famous ballet dancer Bendy the (dancing ayeee) demon. You see. The results are in and one of you lucky girls was chosen by Bendy himself." She says holding the envelope that carried the results from the audition. I wasn't as nervous as I should've been. I mean, I'm pretty sure I sucked at the auditions. "And the lucky girl is~.....(Y/N)..!" My teacher says proudly as everyone looks at me clapping. At that moment it felt as if I had turned to stone. "M-me...?" I stuttered out. "yes (Y/N). Go home and get some rest. Be here 7:00 sharp~ he will be here waiting to practice." my teacher says as she walks away with the other girls. Well...better get home.

*NEXT DAY AT 7:01*

"Ok I'm here!" I yell as I run into the room where Bendy was waiting. "You are late (Y/N)." Bendy says with an annoyed tone. I huff at him "Let's start practicing." He says walking towards me.

*le time skip brought to you by Bendy in ballet slippers. While cats dance in the background to dubstep*

"No!No!No! You're doing it wrong!" Bendy yells at me, ONCE AGAIN. He wants it to be perfect...but so is he! Wait what. I want to hate him so much..but I can't even if all he does is yell at me."(Y/N) pay attention!" He screams at my face once again. I can't take it anymore and I start to cry. He looks at me in shock at my sudden breakdown. "What's up with you..?" He asks as he kneels next to my curled up body. "a-all you d-do is y-yell at me.." I say to him wiping my tears. Bendy then does something surprising...he started to wipe my tears away with his thumb. "I'm sorry..." He says. "let's get back to practicing ok...?" He says to me while helping me up. "Y-yea." I stutter and we continue to practice. For the next few days Bendy seems to be getting closer to me. He still wants things to be perfect but as much as I should hate him...I'm kinda falling in love with him. He may be a cold hearted jerk but...he is also nice when you get to know him. We continue to practice and I can't help but blush when he spins me around or lifts me into the air. "(Y/N) keep your legs straight!" Bendy scolds me as I dance. I only nod as we continue to practice. There is no way I can mess up at the performance. Don't want to get yelled at don't I huh?

*le time skip once more bright to you by Swan lake and magical Doritos with wings."

Today is the day of the performance. Bendy is already on the stage dancing with the other girls. It's almost my time to come and Bendy practiced well into the night so here we go. I started to spin onto the stage and leapt into Bendy's arms and he twirled me around and we continued to dance gracefully as the night carried on. I kept twirling,hopping,skipping you name it. Me and Bendy was all I could concentrate on. Soon our dance was over but Bendy held onto me a little longer before letting go and the both of us twirled off the stage.

*le time skip to after the performance brought to you by the dankest of memes*

I stood outside of the theater building because Bendy told me to meet him here. "(Y/N)..! Thanks for waiting for me!" I heard Bendy say as he walks up to me. "Why did you want to see me..?" I ask him as I look over to him. "I wanted to ask you something.." He says getting close to my face. "O-oh? W-what is it...?" I manage to stutter out as I felt his hot breath against my face. "(Y/N)...I-I want to be dance partners for as long as we live....I'm in love with you...and I want you to be mine..." he says as he cups my cheek. "B-bendy I-I....I love you too..." I say smiling warmly. He only smiled at me and leaned in, Kissing me passionately pinning me onto the wall of the building. All I could do was kiss back and whimper in pleasure.
*le time skip~ that's enough you sinners~*

Later on in the night me and Bendy cuddle in his bed. I would explain what we did but...I think I'll just keep it to myself. But for what you can and Bendy are a duet for life...


BABTQFTIM ONESHOTS (QFTIM x Reader) (Requests CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now