Blood:Insane!Bendy x Reader Part 1/4

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Ohhh shit. This is so fucked up. I cannot believe I thought this was a good idea....So lemme tell you this...This...this is gonna be gruesome. This is basically the anime corpse party...but with the QFTIM characters. THIS IS SO NSFW. TURN BACK. THIS SHOW SCARRED ME FOR LIFE!!!!TURN BACK WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!! (There's a good chance I'm exaggerating. I don't write gore well. Buuuut I warn you anyway.)

I'm scared out of my mind. Being in a place like this with everyone you know. Any one of us could snap at any moment...I could tell that this place was driving us all's only a matter of time until someone goes psycho on us. Where the hell am I to be thinking all this? Well I don't know where I am but all I know is that this place is full of death. We all did a dumb charm thing and BOOM! We are in hell 2.0! I'm scared. The amount of holes in the floor are unbelievable. I continue to walk around this place,looking for an exit I then heard the one thing I didn't want to hear.

"RUN Y/N!!" Oswald screams as he runs down the hallway, with a terrified expression. He grabs my hand and we sprint down the hallway. "YOU CAN'T RUN FROM ME FOREVER~" I hear the all too familiar voice of Bendy yell out. I didn't think it would be my boyfriend to snap first. I don't know where the rest of my friends are...I only woke up with Oswald and Bendy...I guess Bendy couldn't handle it anymore.

~le time skip, brought to you by cats with Doritos and Levi's Jeans~

I was terrified, it's like everywhere I went there is something waiting to kill me. Ozzy and I split up so it would at least save one life. So here I sit in a bathroom stall,praying he doesn't find me. I hear footsteps. So I freeze,not moving a muscle. "H-hello...? Is anyone here...?" I hear the familiar voice of Boris whimper out. So immediately I get up and open the stall door "B-Boris...? Is that you...?" I whisper, looking out to see if it's him. "Y/N...!" Boris exclaims happily, hugging me tightly. Thank god....I thought that it was Bendy. "C'mon Y/N...let's get out of here....this place is creeping me out..." He whimpers as he walks towards the exit. Seeing as Bendy must have gone after Oswald...I follow after him. I may be scared but I'm still determined to get out of here.

~yet ANOTHER time skip~

Me and Boris decided to split up for a bit. Not too far so we wouldn't lose each other but, far enough so that we could search efficiently. I then hear giggling..that's weird. I walk towards the giggles, slowly opening the door to find Boris with two....spirits? "Wow you two girls are really nice~" he giggles, smiling at them. "B-Boris c'mon...we gotta go find the exit..." I murmur, I watched these two girls slightly glare at me. They were both cats...I think. One of them has half of their head missing and the other lost an eye. "Oh...already..?" He says with a sad tone. "Y-yes Boris...don't you want to see Mr.Mickey again....?" I say reaching out to grab his arm. Before I even touch him I get sent flying into the air.

When I look up I see Boris upside down in the air "w-what's going on...?!" He whimper yells. "Boris!!!" I yell getting up, but it's already too late. The two girls fly off with him,dragging him on the floor. In a panic he screams "A-AHHHH!!!! Y/N!!! H-HELP ME!! HEL-" he gets cut off by a bone chilling SPLAT. "B-Boris....?" I whimper and slowly walk out into the hallway. I turn and look at the direction he went in..and I froze in shock. What I saw before me was...Boris's guts and organs splattered on the wall. I felt tears drip down my face.."....a-a...aha.......a-aaa...ah...A-AHHH!!!!" I let put a ear piercing, blood curdling scream. He's dead! He's not even recognizable!! He's just a bunch of guts on a wall!! "Why?! WHY BORIS?! WHAT DID HE DO TO DESERVE THIS?!?!?" I just...lost it. He was so young and had so much to live for. I fell to my knees, sobbing uncontrollably. I then heard footsteps so I freeze,slowly turning to look behind me....and what I saw, will haunt me forever...



BABTQFTIM ONESHOTS (QFTIM x Reader) (Requests CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now