Whole:Popstar!Cuphead x Angel ((GIFT))

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This is for my friend PhoenixFireAngel she's the best!! ENJOY YOUR SURPRISE YOU NUGGET AHHH!!!!

Cuphead's POV
I was prepping for my performance. Honestly, I'm not nervous. I do this stuff all the time but....this one concert is definitely different because she's here. Who am I talking about you ask? Well...I'm talking about Angel. She and I met a year ago...and I developed feelings for her...serious feelings. She accepts me as me, not as the famous guy everyone wants to be friends with. She's real...not fake and after my fame like everyone else. She's kind...and everything I ever wanted in a girl. Heck, maybe even more. Gah, the show is about to start.

I walk over to the lift, waiting for the music to start. As the music starts...I wait for a few seconds then start singing.
"Inside lane
Missing exits
And glued to the pavement
Between the lines
I keep my gaze straight ahead
As the last stop flies by!"
I sang with my heart as I rose up onto the stage. I scanned the crowd for Angel's face, until I found her up in the front row with her friends. She smiled up at me as I continued to sing.
"No more waiting for the gun to fire
No more walking through revolving doors
I've gone around once
And I don't need to go around anymore!!"
I did my usual dance moves and sang the words. But my eyes never left the sight of Angel. She was beautiful and stood out from the entire crowd. Then an idea came to mind, and I could feel myself smirk.
"(It's time to break away)
Break away
Forget your sober case
stop dwelling on empty words
stop stalling in the doorway"
I dance over closer to Angel, smiling at myself for being a genius, I was going to bring her up here with me. The stage lights flashed colors and lasers were everywhere. Just my place.
"Cancel the cruise control
Switching into manual
Don't you wanna feel right again?
Don't you wanna feel whole?"
I jumped off the stage right in front of Angel and he friends as the instrumental part played. "May I borrow your friend~?" I ask her friend. She just squeals and pushes Angel to me. I take Angel's hand and pull her into the stage with me.
"Don't you wanna feel..."
I spun her around on stage, dancing around with her as I sang. She looked terrified at first but she eventually just started laughing and giggling. It was so cute...I just wish she was mine already.
"Full steam through the setbacks
You can't win 'em all
But I'm proud I tried
I'm glad we had a dialogue
It's good to shape the mind"
I held her close to me, I could hear the jealous fangirls and people screaming. But I didn't really care. All I cared about was her being by my side.
"Speeding up the pace
Turnin' up the heat
Where I need to be for the first time
Takin' risks
I'm casting off without a lifeline"
Then as the stage lights flashed more. I told her to go to her friend. Where I watched a few security guards walk to her to protect her from crazy fans. All I needed to do was finish up my song then I was free to go.
"Break away
Forget your sober case
Stop dwelling on empty words
Stop stalling in the doorway..."
I then continued to sing and dance, looking over at Angel. She's blushing...GAH! Cup!! Focus on your singing!
"Cancel the cruise control
Switching into manual
Don't you wanna feel right again?
Don't you wanna feel whole?"
The stage lights went crazy. Flashing and dancing in the sky. All I could do is sing from my heart and dance with my soul. She was everywhere...I almost forgot the words to my song.
"Don't you wanna feel
Don't you wanna
Don't you wanna
Don't you wanna
feel whole
Break away
Forget your sober case"
C'mon Cup! Focus..! It's almost over! I can do this!
"Stop dwelling on empty words
Stop stalling in the doorway..."
And with that..the song ended with me doing a flashy pose. "GOODNIGHT EVERYBODY!! I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE SHOW!!" I yelled out then ran off the stage.

~short time skip~
Angel's POV
Oh my god! I don't know what just happened but...I WAS DANCING ON A STAGE IN FRONT OF A MILLION PEOPLE WITH MY CRUSH. I think I should calm down, Cuphead wanted me to wait for him so here I am. Waiting. I was just about to leave until I heard footsteps "Angel!!" I hear Cuphead call out from behind me. I turn around and see him run up to me. "Hey Cup...what did you want to tell me...?" I ask, calmly. "W-well..you see Angel, I wanted to tell you this for a while now..." he takes my hands into his and holds them. I couldn't help but blush, he looked really flustered and cute. "..a-and I wanted to tell you that I really love you Angel...!" He exclaims with a blush on his face, leaving me shocked. "I-I...I don't know what to say..." I say quietly, lucky enough that I can stutter something out. "Say that you'll be mine..." he whispers, pushing some hair away from my face. I smile " I'll be yours Cupsy~" I say quietly. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me in for a kiss. I lean in and kiss him back. Internally I'm doing a victory dance but...outside...I'm just enjoying my time with my new lover...~



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