Mine:Yandere!Bendy x Reader

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This was requested by..MemeMaddie I hope you enjoy it.

Bendy had done it. He fixed the ink machine and cured himself..which brings me to where I am right now. Partying with my friends, Cuphead ,Mugman,and of course Bendy. But...Bendy was acting weird. He would be very protective of me, glaring at people who got too close and was always by my side and so on. Of course he's getting a drink right now, he is talking to a guy who has been checking me out for a while. Then all of a sudden he looks back at me and weirdly smiles, leaving with the guy to the bathroom. After about 10 minutes he comes out alone. Being the dumbass bitch I am, I ignore it. Bendy walks up to me an looks at the bartender, "one martini for the lady!" He demanded. I stand there wondering if he was drunk or not...he had a really weird smile again...the one from earlier. Though he keeps his distance, I feel awkward around him..I grab my drink and start to sip it. Cuphead and Mugman are having a dance battle in the middle. Man, Mugmans moves are really sMUG (SORRY NOT SORRY)! Bendy is murmuring under his breath. I grab his hand and head to the dance floor. While I was dancing some drunk guy walked up to me and grabbed my ass. Bendy looked so angry he grabed the guy by the neck and slammed him to the ground. I stand there in shocked while bendy has an evil smirk on his face. He grabs my hand and he runs out of the club and to his car. Bendy shoves me in the car then slams on the gas and starts heading to the house bendy,cuphead, Mugman, and I live in. I just sit in the car trying to realize what happened. After about 10 minutes we arrive to the house. He gets out of the car, grabs my hand and runs to the front door unlocking it. He turns to me and says, "Y/N after I realized what near death felt like...I didn't want to die... Because I wanted to be there with you, I didn't want you to get hurt. So I'm taking this into my own hands. I protect you with all my life.", I just stand there not knowing what to say, I haven't thought about loving him like a lover before, "Bendy...what do you mean..?" I ask slightly scared of what he might do. "I will make you love me, no matter what the cost." He replies what feels like him staring in my soul with an evil smirk plastered on his face. He held me down kissing me for what felt like hour, he brings me to his room throwing me onto the bed. I stared at him blush literally plastered all over my face...did I mention I like it rough?~

~time skip full of unicorns and dead man #1 dancing next to a Bendy shrine! Did I mention he is attached to strings?! Ahahahahahahahaha!~

I wake up in the morning next to a naked bendy. I blush a scarlet red and start to get dressed. "God you have a nice ass!~" ,Bendy says scaring the living ink out of me. "Oh! H-hi Bendy!"
I reply, ignoring his compliment. He gets up and gets dressed as well. "Want some breakfast?" I ask. "Sure, what do you have in mind?", He says with a smirk. "Oooo! I know! How about some bacon?"I say. "Sure why not! Throw some bacon on it!" He replies staring at my ass. I giggle and kiss bendy. He blushes and kisses me deeply. "Bendy...I love you..." I say blushing. "I love you too Y/N" he replies smiling. Then we all eat bacon and live happily ever after.

(Listen now)

Well. Lemme credit my friend for helping me write this shit.

Here she is: @lunacantsing

Good? Good

I'm so sorry lmao


BABTQFTIM ONESHOTS (QFTIM x Reader) (Requests CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now