Secrets & Sins:Devil!Bendy x Angel!Reader (LEMON) Part 1/2

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I'M BACK BITCHES. SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT. BTW WARNING:This involves religious beliefs and stuffs. Yeah. Don't read this if you don't like this. Also, I'm sorry if there are errors in this shit. Ugh. Cliche with a little...Flare~

Bendy POV
Hell. A place that most people wouldn't wanna end up in. People pray and beg not to come here...but to me. This is home. Oh? Who am I? My name is Bendy. My father, Satan as you would call him, was overthrown by yours truly. Now me. I rule this miserable world. The...lord as you people call him was not happy about this. So he sealed me down here..fearing that I would become so powerful that I'd escape hell and destroy the world. Little does he know..heaven isn't safe for long. Tch, it gets lonely down here...sometimes I do wish I had someone here with me. But, whatever it doesn't matter much. But, I'll have to cut this short. I have...things to do.

*time skip*

'W-where am I...?' I think as I slowly wake up. I feel...light. I look around to see..people..slowly surrounding me. They all have worried looks on their faces...but..what's wrong with this picture is that they all have WINGS. I soon remember what had happened...I...I think I'm dead. A man with large golden wings and a halo approaches me with a smile, gently lifting me up. I feel something on my back and I turn to see...wings, soft..white, feathery wings. The what I assume to be angels smile and laugh a little. The man that had helped me smiles and soon speaks "Hello Y/N...welcome to heaven. My name is Alexander...I'm here to guide you". Yeah, I guess I'm dead....huh. He soon leads me away, the angels follow. They seem intrigued by me...of course. I'm a devil, my appearance doesn't seem to fit here. But...I assume I'll be ok. He gives me a basic set of clothes and a halo. As we walk throughout heaven, he explains that I'm dead and stuff, all the things I should and shouldn't do. He treats me like a little sister, it's nice. But, I have a feeling...something big is going to happen.


It's been years, but..something has been calling to me. When I look down to the earth...there's a cave. Practically begging for me to go inside. I wanna see what's in there...but Alexander said that it's safer here..and he recommends we shouldn't leave too often. But, something is telling me that I have to go. I sigh, jumping off and going down to earth. I soon arrive to the cave, walking inside. There's a hole, knowing that I'm already dead and that I can fly I jump down to see what's there. It's yet another cave, I see..a barrier above me. But before I can comprehend what has happened, I'm pinned to the wall. I squeal, squirming and struggling against the strangers grip.

"Oh hello~ what brings a little angel like you to hell~?" A cold and dark voice asks. 'HELL?! How did I end up in hell?!' I think as I continue to squirm. "L-let go!" I cry out in a weak little tone, I don't know how to ward demons away...I never learned. I look to see the demon, he..kinda looks like me. "Now why would I do that...?" He asks, his red eyes glowing. I can't bring myself to speak, I'm scared. "Nothing to say little angel...?" He chuckles darkly. "P-please...j-just let me g-go.." I squeak, tears starting to run down my face. "Foolish angels....letting an untrained girl out of heaven. you're mine. That'll teach them a lesson...." he smirks, his hands slowly letting go of me. "I'll take this angel as my plaything..." he says, my eyes widen. I can't believe what I'm hearing. Who is this guy anyway? I can escape! I'm an angel! I put the toughest look I had on my face "I don't know who you are but I'm no one's toy! The angels will find you and beat your ass! So beat it!" I spit in his face, my wings prepare for take off. "Heh..." he chuckles, his eyes glowing brighter. He takes a hold of my wings and they snap like twigs. I scream in pain, he..he broke my wings. "Whoops~ looks like you can't fly~ Now, let me introduce myself, my name is Bendy, I'm the ruler of hell. You are...?" He says with a shit eating grin. I don't speak, tears running down my face. "Oh well~ I'll find out myself~" he placed a hand on my head and smirked. "Y/N huh..? Pretty. Now...time to come with me." He says, picking me up and walking farther into the cave. I can't think straight, all I feel is pain. My body won't let me stay awake, I soon give in and blackout.

BABTQFTIM ONESHOTS (QFTIM x Reader) (Requests CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now