The New Student(s?)-Chapter 3

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Hawk POV

"Actually, Rose, when is the ball? you never told us" Joy asked Rose

"Oh, well, my grandma told me to keep it a secret... but I guess I can tell you it's next week" Rose responded

This short conversation made me wonder why the other princesses knew about it... what if it has to do with my grandmother setting me up with them?

"Hawk? Ya there?" I noticed Rose waving her hand in front of my face

"Huh? Wha-What're you doing?!" I almost fell out of my chair

"Class just ended, and you zoned out really badly, Rose was trying to get your attention for about 10 minutes" Travis said, I noticed he had a bit of an amused look on his face

"Sorry, I was thinking about something" I said

"About?" Astoria asked with a curious look

"Nothing really..." I said

"Are you sure? because if that were the case you'd probably be a bit more aware of what's going on around you" Astoria replied, causing Rose and Travis to chuckle lightly "Fair point" I barely heard Rose murmur to Travis and Joy with a little smirk.

I decided I would ask my mom about the upcoming "surprise ball" when I got home. I said goodbye to everyone after we studied as Astoria demanded.

Later that day I asked my Grandmother about the ball, which, she had indeed told the princesses about and she completely forgot to tell me.

Astoria POV

4 days later

The dragon competition is tomorrow, we had been practicing a lot and we were all exhausted, so I let everyone take the last few days off as I felt quite satisfied with our work. So today is going to be the first day in four days we would practice riding our dragons for the competition, and the competition within our school will decide the team that can compete against other schools, and if the team wins against the other schools, we all get extra credit which I'm super excited about!

Rose POV

I was reading some textbooks from the school like Astoria told me to, so then I could memorize a few dances for the ball... as we figured we would most likely be graded. After a while, I looked at the time and realized school started in 30 minutes "Pumpkin Seeds! I have to go" I said out-loud to myself, quickly getting ready to pick up Travis, I quickly said goodbye to my parents and ran to his house, knocking on the door and asking if he had left already, and apparently he was still sleeping, I went up to his room to wake him up

"Hello sleepy head, wake up" I said going over to shake him

He didn't budge

I stood there a moment, pacing, thinking about what I can do to wake you up Oh yes, I know! I thought to myself If it has to do with LingLing... Ah yes... "Travis! LingLing is waiting at the door for you! you have to hurry!" I said, with a faked rushing tone

"HUh?! Wha?! LingLing?!" Travis practically jumped out of bed and I giggled

"We're going to be late for school if we don't head out now" I said, with a little smirk, we started walking to the alley when I saw the shoe store

"SHOESSS!! They have new ones!! MUST LOO-" I saw the cutest shoes on display

"Oh no, you don't! like you said, we'll be late!" Travis interrupted, grabbing me by the arm and dragging me, while I resisted, trying to look at the shoes.

Travis' POV

Rose was being very stubborn with the shoes, but after a while, she gave up, I opened the door to Regal Academy and we went in while Rose sighed and I heard her murmur "I will come back for you, beautiful shoes...." I just rolled my eyes and looked at the time "Gah!! We're late!" I said to Rose

"Oops.... Uhh... what class is first?" she asked, looking somewhat puzzled and embarrassed "Erm..." I paused and tried to recall what was said yesterday about the schedule

"I think... Etiquette." I said when suddenly we both realized who taught that class

"Oh shoot!!" we said in unison, then Rose and I ran as fast as we could, we made it one minute late

"You're Late" SnowWhite said to us, with a stern frown

"I'm so sorry, Miss, I was studying and-" Rose tried to speak but was interrupted

"Take a seat and we'll talk after class" Rose nodded and took her seat and I followed

"So today as most of you have noticed..." I could tell she was giving me and Rose an accusing stare

"We have a new student, who is the grand-daughter of Peter Rabbit" She continued, and I saw Rose practically jumping in her seat, yet containing herself, probably because she already got in trouble but there is no guarantee of that. I barely heard SnowWhite ask the new student to introduce herself

"Hello everyone, my name is Petal Rabbit and um... I'm excited to be attending this school..." Petal said, she seemed to be shy and unsure of what to say, as I noticed she looked at SnowWhite with a pleading look, who told Petal to take a seat behind Rose, and, Rose being Rose, began talking to her during class, the rest of the class went on normally and SnowWhite ended up talking to everyone in my team about mine and Rose's consistent tardiness.

Rose POV

I was a bit embarrassed at first about being late after I woke up so early and started studying but in the end, I was forgiven and I met another person from a fairy-tale! Which is soo exciting, and it would be nice to get to know her better, but I did get scolded by Astoria for being late to SnowWhite's class of all teachers, she is... definitely the strictest out of all the teachers and the biggest danger to our grade, so, I guess I can understand.

When I'm writing this I keep asking myself if I can write romance yet and I'm like, no, you already planned how you would build up to it, and then I be like, nuuu, need Hase and TravLing!!! Hence why I've been using couple bases for le Hase ship-VM

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