Double Date!? Part 1-Chapter 10

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Hiya, thanks for reading the story so far :) So let's get this started~

Rose's POV
This was going to be the second fairy tale ball, and part of me is hoping for Astoria to find her Prince <3 maybe her and Xander would become a couple, as he might start having a crush on her after she saved him, hehe~

"Rose, Headmistress Cinderella is about to speak." Astoria whispered, shaking me lightly

"Sorry, sorry!" I whispered back, looking up at my grandmother who started talking

"Thank you all for coming early, so as you know, everyone's grades will be affected today, except for the teams that made it to the finals in the dragon competition" She began "So let the ball begin" she finished and then music played

"Don't look at the shoes this time, okay?" Astoria whispered and I sighed a little

"Fiiinnneeeeeee" I groaned a bit and looked around the room, seeing Hawk swarmed by girls again and I saw Travis and LingLing starting to dance "Eeeeeee! Astoria, look!" I said, pointing at Travis and LingLing excitedly

"Finally, something happens between them!" Astoria said "It always drives me nuts when two people obviously like each other and nothing happens" she continued

"Speaking of liking someone... Do you like anyone?" I asked

"Not particularly, no." She responded, then I noticed out of the corner of my eye Xander approaching us

Xander's POV

After Astoria saved me I wanted to thank her but I'm just not so sure how, because.. I don't feel like thanking her by just saying 'thanks' is enough, but I guess that's the best I can do, I took a deep breath and looked at her talking to Rose and I walked towards them and saw Rose quickly whisper something in Astoria's ear, then start giggling and scampering off

Astoria's POV

"Here comes your 'prince'" Rose whispered, I didn't even have enough time to reply when she scampered off, giggling... my gosh, Rose... 

"Hey, um... Astoria?" Xander said. It took me a moment to reply

"Erm, yeah?" I said, suddenly realizing what had happened

"May I have this dance?" He asked, looking somewhat shy and kind of cute

"Sure" I replied, a little surprised, he took my hand and we started dancing, and for what felt like forever he looked as though he was about to say something but he kept resisting

"Astoria..." He finally began talking, and I was paying full attention "I wanted to thank you for what you did during the Dragon Games..." he continued, and it seemed like he was about to continue but changed his mind

"It's really not a problem... I would do that for anyone.." I replied, suddenly realizing that wasn't really true "Er... almost anyone.." I corrected myself, probably making an unsure face, but either way, he gave a small chuckle and there was silence for a short while longer

"Well... I was wondering if we could hang out sometime... I... Honestly, have wanted to thank you for quite a while but... I haven't figured out how I would approach it..." Xander said and there was a bit of an awkward moment as the music stopped and we stood there... awkwardly... yeah... awkward...

"I mean..." I attempted to begin talking to break the silence

"We can hang out... Any time in particular?" I responded as another song began which helped break the silence

"Maybe after school on Monday, if you're not busy? Or we could meet up tomorrow or on Sunday if that isn't too last minute" Xander replied

"Sunday would probably be best, afternoon or evening probably, I tend to study in the morning" I replied

"Okay, so how about late afternoon, about 5?" Xander asked. I nodded in response

"So are we meeting up somewhere or...?" I questioned

"I could pick you up at your castle" he said, I nodded in agreement and we went out separate ways and I couldn't help but panic, realizing I basically have a DATE. I looked around for Rose so I could tell her and maybe ask her what I should do, I mean, Hawk has a crush on her so she must know something about dating... Maybe... I looked over at everyone dancing and saw Hawk and Rose I guess I have to wait a bit... After the song ended I got Rose's attention and she came over

"What's up, Astoria?" She asked, and I couldn't help but notice she had a goofy grin on her face

"Well... Xander and I are kind of going on a date???" I said

"Wait really?!" Rose practically shouted

"Shh! shh!!! He asked me to hang out and he's picking me up on Sunday... so it's not exactly a date... I think... But it kind of feels like it is" I ranted slightly, continuing to panic

"Eeeeeeeee!!! That does sound like a date!" Rose squealed excitedly

"So erm... I was wondering... Do you think you could come too? Make it be less awkward?" I asked

"Pfft, and be the third wheel? Heavens no." Rose said

"Maybe Joy could come too?" I said

"Then Xander would feel like the fourth wheel" Rose said, with a bit of a smirk

"How about you and Hawk?" I said

"Uh..." Rose froze in place for a moment

"l-like a double date?" She questioned and I blushed lightly and looked down at the ground

"Yeah, I guess so..." I replied

"Huehue, sure! Sounds fun! I will go ask Hawk" Rose said, signaling me with a thumbs up as she walked over to Hawk

Hawk's POV

After Rose had left I was being swarmed by a bunch of princesses and didn't really know what to do when suddenly I felt someone lightly tap my shoulder

"Heya Hawk." I turned around to see Rose and out of the corner of my eye I saw the other princesses giving me weird looks

"Hey Rose" I replied

"So guess what?" she said with a little smirk on her face

"I couldn't imagine" I replied simply

"Well..." Rose began, putting her hands behind her back and stepping backward a couple paces 

"Astoria has a date on Sunday!" she said excitedly

"That's great!" I replied smiling

"and she wanted me to come..." She continued, I gave her a weird look

"And be the third wheel?" I questioned

"Well, the thing is... I mentioned that and we decided it would be a double date with her and Xander and me and..." Rose paused a moment, seeming a bit shy

"You..." Rose finished and I just stared at her a moment wide-eyed, questioning whether she wanted to do this just to help out Astoria or if she thought of this as an actual date with me and her as well...

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