Extra Info Stuff

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Hello everyone, it's VreaMuffin... And I can't believe I already completed this fanfic! I had a ton of fun writing this and it really helped me get out of my sulking stage after I finished watching Regal Academy (classic withdrawal problems) And thank you so much for enjoying what I wrote, it really means a lot!
So below will just be some information about this Fanfic Ps. Above is Petal and Joy since I fantasize them becoming good friends lol

I will do some minor editing to this story but the actual story won't change, it will just be the way things are worded (aka, fixing grammar) and in the situations that are just explained vaguely I will probably write the conversations in a bit more detail and such :) aand I will fix the evil incorrect autocorrecting my Kindle caused xDD

I have no idea if anyone has any questions but if you do, Please ask! :3

During holidays I will do special
after-chapters about all the couples in this Fanfic so you can look forward the those (actually I think I'm looking forward to writing them more than anyone would be to read them, lol)

And of course... I've decided to do side-stories for how the other couples became couples

Welp, that's pretty much all I wanted to say, Thanks again, everyone!

Ps. If you by chance wanna read an original story written by yours truly VreaMuffin~ then check out A Simple Spell :3  

I'm also planning on writing a story called The Forgotten Fairytale about all the little fairytales I've made up throughout my life so it's like one of those books that are like "Fairytales for little girls" but where it's written by a little girl who turned into a teenager and rewrote it xDD

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