Back to Business!-Chapter 8

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Astoria's Team POV (I guess??)

Astoria quickly recovered from the incident and we redid the first round, however due to Xander's suppose "recklessness" he was temporarily replaced with Laurence Redhood, we had just hoped that Vicky would lay off the tricks for just one day, or at least if she did continue, that she would end up getting caught in the end, but even so Astoria, Vicky, and Laurence redid the first round, and luckily Vicky didn't do anything too dangerous, and Astoria won

Rose POV

"One point for team-! actually... what is our team name?" I asked

"Team name?" Travis said, seeming to be amused

"Maybe team Lilypad?" Joy said, while the rest of us just paused

"Having a team name would be nice" Astoria said, looking to be in deep thought

"Maybe... Cool As Ice!" Hawk suggested, everyone just looked at him 

"No, Hawk... No..." Astoria said, with a look of disappointment, disgust, and amusement, we all continued the conversation of team names and sat down, we had about 30 minutes until the next part of the dragon competition, which was training... and Hawk was in charge of that challenge and he insisted he didn't have to practice beforehand

"Hmm... We could try to use the first letter of all our names?" Travis suggested when we were just about to give up, Astoria sat for a moment "Hmm... a... h... r... t.... j... how would we position that??" she asked "ugh... I don't know.." Travis said, leaning back

"Oh well... I guess we should head back o the dragon arena, huh?" I said, looking at the time

"Yeah, let's go." Hawk said, standing up, we all walked back to the arena and the second round began...

The competition was pretty interesting, I was amazed when I saw what Hawk had taught his dragon... sword fighting... I didn't really pay attention to what Molly or Quorin did, but I didn't really mind since Hawk won in the end-Oh! Yeah, Molly is one of the three new people who joined Vicky's team to make it a team of 5

"Hawk! That was AWESOME!!" I squealed as he walked over to us 

"Heh, thanks" Hawk said

Astoria smirked a bit "You could say it was... cool as ice" she said, Hawk seemed to be amused by her comment as he had an adorable little grin on his face-ADORABLE?! What?! I couldn't believe my thoughts, I literally just commented to myself in my head that I thought Hawk's grin, was adorable

"Rose, are you okay? you look a little pale.." Hawk said, looking at me with concern, I felt my face heat up

"Uh... I think I just feel a little tired..." I said, then shaking my head to click back into reality

"Do you think you will be able to do the next part in the competition?" Astoria asked, with an expression mixed with concern and panic

I took a deep breath "Yeah, I just needed a moment, sorry" I said, quickly regaining my composure-er... quickly returning to my normal self, at least

"That's good, you should probably sit down a bit before it starts, kay?" Astoria said

"Mm, yeah! Let's do this!!" I said.. then I took a seat, thinking about what I could do with my dragon

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to focus on the competition So, I'm going against Petal Rabbit again, and Ellie Roe, who is another student who joined Vicky's team, but I'm not sure what story she is from...

We did the competition, and this time Ellie won, and I was second place, I walked back to my friends and we continued the competition.

Joy did the obstacle course with her dragon, which was very fun to watch and surprisingly her turning into a frog was to her advantage and Travis did the magic challenge with the fire/ice, we were originally going to have Hawk do that one from the beginning but Hawk was the only one who could train a dragon quickly.. After we all finished our parts we sat down to relax a bit, waiting for the scores to be counted 

30 Mins Later

The competitions had all ended and our team ended up being tied with the new team, but to our surprise, because of the supposed "incident" with Xander their team dropped off

"Yes! We did it!" Astoria shouted with glee, jumping up and down lightly

"We couldn't have done it without you, Astoria!" Joy said, smiling brightly... then eating a bug, causing us to look away, Travis cleared his throat to say something

"Yeah, if it weren't for you helping us out we would've lost because of Vicky's tricks." Travis said

"No kidding!" Hawk said

"Well... now that it's over..." I began to say, everyone looked at me with a curious look, then I looked at the speaker, putting up my index finger to signal one moment, waiting for my grandmother to announce the surprise ball and then... 

"Attention students..." My grandmother began on the speaker, and I began to grin slightly and looked at my friends

"As a reward for your participation in the dragon competition, we are hosting a ball in 3 hours, please don't be late, and we suggest you bring a date but since this is last minute it is not required" my grandmother finished and Astoria almost looked panicked

"Are we being graded?!" Astoria almost shouted and I couldn't help but chuckle as I shook my head

"No, well at least, not our team, the three teams that made it to the finals aren't being graded for how they act at the ball, but everyone else is" I said

"Phew, good, because I didn't have any time to prepare!" Astoria replied, looking relieved 

"So, should the three of us go and get ready?" I asked, looking at Joy and Astoria, they nodded

"Your castle or...?" Astoria asked

"Yes! I already have some outfits to choose from for all of us... and shoes!" I said, getting more and more excited every second

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