The Dragon Competition Begins!-Chapter 5

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In this part/chapter the 5 new transfer students will be properly introduced, so basically in case you get confused, Petal Rabbit, was from a middle school of magic, and she was one of the best 5 students there, along with four others who were sent to Regal Academy (and just so you know, none of them are actually my OCs, I just needed another team for my story xDD) 

Rose POV

I woke up in the morning, taking a deep breath, Coach Beast was going to redo the Dragon competition within the school with 3 different teams, my team, Petal Rabbit's, and Vicky's team, which made me very nervous. 

And Headmistress Cinderella, also known as my grandmother, was going to hold the ball tonight, and nobody even knew about it other than me... I think... but either way the extra dragon competition gave me less time to prepare At least I already have a date, so I won't have to worry about that I couldn't help but remind myself that the boy I was going with happened to be my crush, and I kept taking deep breaths, trying to bring my thoughts back to what we'd do for the competition What else can we do... we already decided last night that we would gather some potions that could cure curses, and we decided to meet up early to practice avoiding obstacles in case Vicky tried to knock us off- I suddenly looked at the time "Pumpkin seeds! Not again!!!" I shrieked a bit and ran downstairs, already dressed and I called Travis on my way, he answered his phone immediately and asked where I was "Go on without me as quick as you can!" I said to him quickly as I hung up and continued to run to the secret door, for once not paying any attention to the shoe store, and once I went through I saw Travis 

"Hey Travis!!" I shouted while waving

Travis POV

When I arrived at Regal Academy I saw Hawk and Astoria waiting for me, Joy and Rose, and almost immediately afterward Rose called out my name, looking out of breath 

"Sorry, I'm late.." Rose said as she walked over to us, taking a deep breath "Where's Joy?" she continued, looking puzzled

"You're actually somewhat early" Astoria said looking proud, as though she was thinking 'My little baby is all grown up' which, wouldn't be all that surprising...

Joy arrived after a couple moments, two minutes before our original set meeting time "Hi everyone! Sorry, I took so long, I was having breakfast." Joy said, everyone else and I had an (attempted) hidden look of disgust, imagining what she could possibly be eating. We walked to the dragon arena, got our armor on, and we practiced dodging obstacles, which we made using our magic, except I... wasn't really a part of that...

After we practiced for about an hour school was starting and I was beginning to get tired 

Rose POV  

We felt confident in our practicing and we had Art class with Arts-Master Beauty, which Travis was, like always, not thrilled for. And after that, we would collect some potions and curse cures and then, we would have round two of the dragon competitions...

*2 Hours Later*

Narrator POV

"Attention students, today we will be doing another round of the dragon competition, this time with three different teams, Astoria's Team, Vicky's Team, and The new team which transferred from Mystic High..." Coach Beast said

Rose and Travis looked at each other, confused as they thought the only new transfer was Petal, and Astoria explained to them that they were first-years who went to a middle school set up similarly to Regal Academy and that Petal and Travis had missed the other 4 transfers introductions

Coach Beast continued "There will first be a normal race like the one you have done before, and for that one you will put in your team leader, and for the other four challenges you will put in who is the most skilled at that specific challenge, so after the race, the next challenge will be another training challenge, where you will train your dragon to do something, such as, grill some steak..." Beast's stomach then growled, causing many students to giggle, Coach Beast then cleared his throat to continue "Then there will be another relationship challenge, in which you will simply... "chill" as some people now say" Travis almost burst out laughing but held it in "Next will be a simple obstacle course, then finally there will be a challenge to use fire magic or ice magic depending on your dragon type, and your ability to control your dragon's breath" Beast continued, and gave the three teams some time to prepare

Astoria POV

I took a deep breath, I was going to be the first one from our team to compete as I was considered the leader, and I was going against Vicky Broomstick, and Xander Locks, who was the grandson of Goldilocks, once we got this over with Vicky wouldn't be allowed to be a part of the future rounds and I could be careful to make sure she doesn't cast any spells, so after we get the first challenge completed the rest should be easy... at least, easi-er 

"And begin, in 1... 2... 3... and fly!!"

We all took off at the same time, I was determined not to let Vicky win, even if the other team won it would be better, after all, grades aren't everything, they're just second on my list, okay, fine maybe third, starting with friends, justice, then grades. The race was going well so far and I was just keeping an eye on Vicky, and to my surprise, she wasn't doing anything What if she's waiting for something... I couldn't let my guard down, I tried going faster, ready to use my spell reflecting potion, I saw Vicky doing something weird... The camera footage! I panicked, knowing exactly what she was doing, she was going to mess up the recording so then when she tried to mess Xander up with a spell, she must've known I was prepared, so in order for my team to not get in trouble I had to simply defend Xander from Vicky... by simply getting hit myself, I took a deep breath here goes everything Vicky tried to cast a spell on me and Xander at the same time, but she hit me with both spells since I flew in the way, it was as if the only spell that was used was Vicky casting a curse on me... and everyone... saw... it.... happen...

Astoria blacked out

Huehue, cliffhanger >:)

Anyways, here's some info about the new team :3

Petal Rabbit (grand-daughter of Peter Rabbit) 

Allen Chesire (Grandson of the Chesire Cat) 

Xander Locks (Grandson of Goldilocks, cute curly hair) 

Quorin Rumpelstiltskin (Grand-daughter of Rumpelstitskin) 

Laurence Redhood (Grandson of Little Red Riding Hood)

I may post pics of them later in the story, actually, tell me if you would like me to or not :)

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