Laurence Redhood-Chapter 13

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I wonder how long this story will be... I'll probably start wrapping it up at chapter 18 or 20, idk, welp, have fun reading!


Rose's POV

"Today is the day I learn more about all of the new students! Allen Chesire, Quorin Rumpelstiltskin, and most importantly, Laurence Redhood! I think maybe I will ask Petal and Xander to tell me a bit about everyone, yeah! That'll be a good start" I talked to myself while walking over to Travis' house to pick him up for school again
"Here we are~" I said to myself as I walked to his doorstep and knocked on the door, his mom answered
"Hello, I'm here to pick up Travis." I said

"Ah yes, he's upstairs sleeping" she said, letting me in and signaling me to go wake him up, I walked in and noticed there was a painting covered by a white sheet, I went over to see a very detailed portrait of LingLing and I kind of just stared at it for a moment "that's not creepy..." I thought to myself, when I remembered he told me he was painting something the day before yesterday I should wake him up I went over to him and thought about how I should wake him up, so I started with the classic "Travis, wake up..." I said, shaking him lightly... No response hmm... Let me think... I stood there staring at him and thought of something "Travis! LingLing saw your painting of her and she wants to kiss you!"
"What?!" He woke up immediately, looking around the room and saw me and turned a bit red "d-did you see the painting?" He asked, I nodded "Honestly, it's nothing to be embarrassed about, it looks really pretty... But what's it for?" I asked... When he sneezed, loudly "Her birthday is coming up" he said, rubbing his nose, when he sneezed again
"Are you okay, Travis?" I asked, he sniffled and looked at me
"I feel a bit sick..." He replied, when I noticed his face looked a little green
"Should I get your mom to check your temperature?" He nodded slowly... We found out he had a fever
"You'll stay here then, I will explain to the rest of the team, and maybe we can visit you" I said
"There's no need" he said about to fall asleep again
"I bet everyone would like to though, would you be okay if we did come over?" I asked, ready to walk out the door
"Sure... That's fine.." He replied
I walked out and went to school "gosh... Late again.. Oh well" I said to myself as I went through my portal "sheesh, sometimes I forget why Travis and I walk together, I forget about this tiny door sometimes..." I grumbled to myself "Here goes nothing!" I shouted to myself as I jumped through the small door, and I'm the first try, too! Oh no, I forgot about this "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I was falling from the sky and I couldn't see the Dragon anywhere about oh no... I closed my eyes and panicked when suddenly I felt someone catch me, I opened my eyes and saw...

Laurence Redhood

"Uhh... Hi" I said, not sure how to respond to him catching me, I had gotten used to Hawk catching me so this was... Different... I guess

"I guess what the other students said about you falling from the sky was true..." He said... Still holding me, I wasn't sure how to respond, I wanted to ask him a bunch of questions and get I didn't know what to ask, I wanted him to put me down and yet I was more focused on how to learn more about him so I just responded "heheh... Yeah... I guess it is..." He still didn't put me down " Erm... Can you put me down?" I asked

"Gah, sorry!" He said, quickly putting me down and I nearly fell over trying to regain my balance

"See you later, then!" He said waving as he walked away

"Gosh dangit! I couldn't ask a single question!" I groaned, when suddenly I felt a presence behind me, I slowly turned around and saw Hawk

"Ohh! Hi Hawk" I said, turning around the rest of the way he looks like he's about to kill someone I didn't know what to say until he finally returned to his normal expression and greeted me "Hi Rose!" He said, I couldn't help but feel a weird aura coming from him and feeling oddly nervous
"ehehem... Well um... Class starts soon... Should... We... We should head to class! Don't want to be late!" I stammered slightly, probably from fear, but that's not particularly guaranteed to
"Right, let's go!" He said, smiling, but he still had an aura that made me avoid looking at him, we walked into Chivalry and Heroism class, Hawk's favorite... and yet... He didn't say a word about wondering what we'd do today, if one of the famous heroes would visit or anything of that sort. And when we walked in, I saw Laurence Redhood and I couldn't help but freeze in place. I then noticed a few girls staring at him. I saw him talking to Petal casually when his gaze drifted towards me and he waved, smiling.
I hesitated to react and waved slowly, unable to even fake a smile... I felt an awkward presence behind me and I didn't dare look behind me. Laurence started walking towards me so instead I just walked over to Petal and I walked passed him, I felt kind of awkward doing something so silly, but since I didn't feel comfortable with talking to him directly to learn more about him I figured I would stick with my original plan
"Hi Petal!" I greeted, she looked at me trying to hold in laughter
"Pfft.... H-hi rose-pfft" she said, clearly failing at co raining her laughter
"So uh... What were you and Laurence talking about?" I asked, she looked at me curiously
"He was walking towards yo-" I cut her off
"Yeah and I purposely walked away-"
"You literally passed him, it was probably the most awkward thing I've seen in my life" Petal interrupted, I chuckled nervously
"Yeah um... This morning was the first time we talked and it was awkward..." I said
"He caught you from the sky this morning, right? I could be sworn I saw someone holding you bridal style... And with a boy seeming to stare daggers at the boy carrying you, too?" Petal said, smirking mischievously I didn't notice that that why Hawk...
"Petal, if you don't mind me asking, who was watching??" I asked, she shook her head
"No clue, but that aside, what's up?" She asked me
"Well, I originally wanted to get to know Laurence more but..." I began
"I feel like he's too much of a flirt so I want you to tell me about him instead" I confessed, she clearly wanted to chuckle a bit but she restrained

"A flirt, he is indeed! He's actually the grandson of The Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding hood" Petal said

"Say wha?" I looked at her with a curious look

"Long story short, Little Red and Mr. Old wolf man had their own kids, Little Red had a son and the Wolf dude had a girl, and their kids ended up becoming a couple, and with their contradictory personalities, their son Laurence is very... Mischeivious, hehe~

"Huh... Well, thanks for the information, so do you think there's anything else I should know?" I asked

"Well.. He's pretty popular with the girls, but nobody tends to go up and approach him because of his 'rebellious behavior' type thing, basically they're worried he'll reject em' cold but at the same time they'll feel like they have a chance, I don't know why or how he does it, so why the sudden interest in him, huh? Do you... Liiikeee himmm~?" Petal explained

"Oh! No, not at all! But.. Well yesterday one of my friends told me they had a crush on him, and I realized I didn't know much about him... So I figured I should try to see what kind of guy he's like.. Heheh, and just as I thought he and J-er, my friend would not make a very good couple... But I suppose things could change..." I explained

"Huh, I'd imagine that friend would be Joy?" Petal asked, looking at me curiously

"How did you-"

"Well all of your friends pretty much already have a consistent crush, including you, you like Hawk, Astoria likes Xander, Travis likes LingLing, and LingLing obviously likes him back, and I don't know of anyone else's name that starts with a J so I mean... Kind of obvious hehe~" Petal cut me off again...

"O-oh, yeah... Well, thanks for telling me!" I said

"No problem! We can chat anytime" Petal said giving me a thumbs up... Along with a mischievous smile. honestly I feel like her team has been rubbing off on her, specifically Allen Chesire and Laurence Redhood, who are very mischievous, probably Quorin a bit too but man, these new students seem very odd though, it's like Xander is our Astoria in his own way, very odd

Whaaaaaaa???? I came up with a random idea for Laurence Redhood that wasn't according to my plan in the first place because I thought making a crush jealous was too cliche?! Yo Idk asdhktvhfvdacnkirwwsnmkifvvv this morning I had ideas bubbling in my head but I heard my mom and dad talking all morninggg so I lost most of my ideas, and one of them was gonna be like... I don't even remember because I forgottttt
Anyways, hope you enjoyed this, I did, and personally I feel like since I've started writing this fanfic I've gotten better at writing in general but sometimes autocorrect can be a pain when I'm writing this on the app lolol

1680 words, like how and why lol

(I started making a new cover page for this Fanfic :3 it's almost done)

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