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This takes place after the double date with Hawk, Rose, Petal and Laurence, also, plz tell me if there are spelling/grammar errors

Petal Rabbit's Pov

After Hawk and Rose had left to head to earth Laurence offered to take my hand... I declined and we walked home in silence.

"I'll see you Monday then?" Laurence said after he walked me to the front of my house

"Yep!" I said, and after a short pause I continued

"I uh... I had fun today" I said, Laurence nodded and smiled

"Yeah, me too" Laurence said, afterwards digging quietly

"Well, bye" I said

"Yeah" Laurence replied as he started to walk away, and when he began leaving my sight I couldn't help but feel an emptiness take over, but instead of paying much attention to that I just sighed deeply and walked inside to go to bed, after all, I was quite exhausted after today's events.

-Time skip: Monday Morning-

My alarm went off, playing the cheerful tune that always reminded me of prancing deer. I slowly sat up as I rubbed my eyes, afterwards turning off the alarm. I quickly took my hair out of it's braid and as a result it was extremely wavy. I took a quick shower, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth etc. after I got ready I looked at the time and sighed. School was starting in 15 minutes and my precious alone time would soon come to an end.

After a short walk I was greeted by my team and Astoria's team hanging out

"Why are you all here early? I mean, okay, I understand most of you but Rose? And Travis? And Laurence?" I approached the large group and questioned them a bit, and it took me a moment before I realized Odette, LingLing, Finn, and Gerald were all there as well as

"Well... I guess we kinda got excited to see each other..." Astoria answered, I raised an eyebrow in curiosity and confusion

"How so?" I questioned, and they briefly explained that they all just came early so they could greet each other as soon as possible... Which I figured had something to do with the fact that a lot of them were dating each other.
So class started soon after and it went by smoothly... Mostly... Rose uh... Was having difficulties again. But that aside, today instead of it being split up my teams it was pairs, and it was pretty fun since they basically had two teams combined into one, for example,
Joy and I were grouped
Astoria and Quorin were grouped
Allen and Hawk were grouped
Rose and Laurence were grouped
And lastly Travis and Xander were grouped...
But of course... Laurence and Rose failed... Miserably.

-Time Skip: After School-

The day had neared the end and school was over, I was about to walk home when I felt someone tap my shoulder, I nearly jumped but I managed to contain my surprise as I turned my head to look behind me only to see Laurence

"Oh-it's just you" I said, he gave me a bit of a fake sad face

"Just me? How hurtful" Laurence joked, I just rolled my eyes and smiled slightly

"Jokes aside, what is it you wanted?" I questioned

"Whatever do you mean, princess?" Laurence replied, however he replied with another question. His flirty nickname threw me off a bit and caused my heart to skip a beat, I quickly snapped back into reality as I cleared my throat with a couple fake coughs

"Well, you wouldn't just two on someone's shoulder without actually wanting something." I replied simply,  he groaned a bit in response as he ruffled his hair

"Kay... Well... I wanted to ask you a question... Again..." Laurence began

"Okayyy???" I have him a puzzled look as he thought about how to continue

"Well, I've tried asking you to go on a date with me quite a few times and uhm...  I know you kept rejecting me but..." He continued, but when he paused he looked at me, seeming to expect me to reject him right then and there but I just looked at him, waiting for him to finish

"But... Petal... I really, really like you... a lot. And-well, to put it simply I want to be more then friends s-so... Nevermind..." Laurence said, he just turned around and started walking away, however, my curiosity overcame me and I quickly grabbed his hand from behind, attempting to prevent him from walking away.

"No. Continue" I said, he looked down at the ground and turned around, lifting his head slightly... Our eyes met and he gave me a half smile

"Should I give up on you?" Laurence asked... I froze, the question was so sudden... Pretty much the opposite of what his usual question was, all I did in response was stare at him, attempting to think of an answer. But before I could really think all that much I just blurted out

"No" his eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly in shock, he quickly blinked and pulled his hand away from mine

"Then... Will you stop pushing me away?" Laurence asked, I paused only for a short while until I nodded

"Yes..." I answered and he seemed to freeze again until he pulled me into a tight hug, once I hugged him back I could hear him whisper something... But what was whispered, was unknown

Sup! Thanks for reading thissssssss.... (Imma snake I guessssss)

Ps. He whispered "Thank you"

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