Joy's Tutoring? Chapter-12

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Hello~! So Please forgive me for the sudden change with Joy and the lack of buildup, I haven't been using her much in this story so I needed to do something, but that aside... Please enjoy~

Joy's POV

I ran over to school, running a bit late when I saw Astoria, Rose, Travis, and Hawk.. so basically the rest of my team.

"Joy!" Rose looked over at me with a bit of a look of relief

"Hi, sorry I'm late... again.." I said shyly

"Please explain what has been going on, Joy." Astoria said "We barely see you in between classes and at the ball you weren't anywhere to be seen" Travis cut in

"Sorry... I've just been doing a lot lately." I said

"Could you tell us?" Rose asked with a bit of a pleading look

"Well..." I paused and leaned in to whisper in Rose's ear "I would rather not tell anyone other than you" I went to stand up straight and everyone else gave me a bit of a curious look while Rose just nodded with a small smirk

Potions class began and Rose and I sat next to each other, I couldn't help but let my thoughts trail off... 

Time Skip

Rose and I had agreed to meet up after school, and so we did, we met up at the school garden

"So, what's been going on?" Rose asked

"Well... lately in class I keep losing focus and I have to get tutoring outside of classes.." I told her

"That's it? then why didn't you tell everyone else?" Rose asked, looking a bit puzzled

"Well um..." I began, and I couldn't help but try to avoid eye contact

"Gahhh... It's too embarrassing..." I groaned

"It's fine, you can tell me when you feel comfortable" Rose said with a warm smile

"Thanks..." I said, and I wondered if I should tell her

Rose's POV

"I... I keep getting distracted in class because erm..." Joy started to explain but she stopped herself for the third time, I listened closely in case she changed her mind again 

"You know how when you have a crush-er... on someone and your thoughts trail off constantly?" Joy continued, her question/statement caused me to widen my eyes in half excitement and curiosity. "Yes, Do you have a crush on someone?" I asked, and I couldn't help but sound hyper

"Yeah..." I saw Joy's cheeks begin to turn a bright reddish pink color which was something I had never seen before

"Who do you like?" I questioned, causing her face to redden even more so

"Th-the new student... Laurence..." She said

"Laurence Redhood?! The grandson of Little Red Riding Hood?" I questioned excitedly, and she nodded with a bit of an embarrassed smile, I stood there a moment trying to picture them as a couple... I couldn't picture it. Laurence was more of someone who didn't really like things like frogs and flies... honestly I hardly know anything about him, same goes to all the new students other than Petal and Xander, then again, they were the only people I tried talking to.

"Well, I should get home now. See you later, Rose!" Joy said, quickly giving me a hug and running off, I went back home quickly and thought about last nights date "So Xander lives nearby..." I mumbled to myself before I fell asleep.






"Nghhhh" I groaned as I slowly rolled to the other side of my bed "Feive.... mre... mnutes..." I was barely awake when


  I fell off my bed  

"OWWW"  I yelped as I quickly sat up and rubbed my lower back as that's where most of the pressure was when my mom came up to check on me

"Are you okay, Rose?" She asked

"Yeah... I'm fine..." I said, then I noticed the alarm was still beeping so I turned it off and realized it was pretty early in the morning, at least... I wasn't about to be late for school so I didn't have to rush eating, getting dressed, or anything! I got ready for school and took my time until my mom called me downstairs saying breakfast was ready.

"Thanks mom! I'll be going now, Bye dad!" I waved bye to my parents as I went out the door and I accidentally hit my elbow on the door "Owww" I moaned lightly and went to pick up Travis... but on my way there I saw familiar hair out the corner of my eye and stepped back, realizing Xander! I actually saw Xander walking near Travis' house, I quickly ran over to him "Hey! Xander" He looked over at me wide-eyed 

"Hey Rose, I thought you were joking when you said you lived near here!" He said, looking a bit surprised

"Eheh, nah, I actually live a couple blocks down, I'm picking up Travis" I said

"Ah, cool, well I better get going. I'm meeting up with Astoria" Xander said, walking off. "Gah! Travis!" I suddenly realized the objective of my mission and ran over to his house and knocked on the door, Travis answered after about 3 minutes "Perfect! You're awake" I said, he looked exhausted "Give me a moment..." He said, putting up his pointer finger as a signal and he yawned "Okay, let's go." He said

After walking for about a minute or so I couldn't help but comment on his tired appearance "What happened? you look like a tired wreck" I said

"You could have a little more tact..." Travis moaned "I stayed up late..." he said

"Doing what?" I asked, giving a curious look

"Painting..." He said

"Painting what?" I questioned him again, when suddenly he looked away

"I... might show you later... maybe..." He said, ruffling his hair a bit

"Okay." I replied, deciding not to question him further

After a short while of silence we arrived at the portal and went into the magical world of Regal Academy~ Greeted by Astoria, Xander, Hawk and... LingLing.. but there wasn't any sign of Joy

"Where's Joy?" Travis asked

"I have no clue..." Astoria said, looking somewhat miffed

"Oh... um..." I questioned if I should tell them what Joy told me, and if so, how much? Everyone looked at me with a bit of a puzzled look

"Joy told me she has been... getting tutored, which is why she hasn't been joining us in between classes" I said, hoping they would understand and Joy wouldn't get upset

"Why didn't she tell us?" Astoria asked

"She was embarrassed..." I said

"But why would she be embarrassed? You're all friends here.." Xander said

"I'm not entirely sure" I lied

"But let's support her with everything we've got!" I said, determined... And I was also determined to learn more about Laurence Redhood

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