Chapter 2

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///Hey guys!!!! Sorry for the long chapter last time. I like writing long chapters, but I'll try to make this one a little shorter. Hope you enjoy the chapter!!!///

I get out of the car and am entranced by the beauty of the castle. 

"Sorry it's so small." Yakov apologizes. 

"There's no need to apologize. Your castle is lovely."

Yakov and I quickly rush into the castle. When we enter we are met by a man with a worried expression. "Prince Yakov, are you okay?!"

"Yes, I'm fine."

The man looks over at me with a confused expression. "Do I know you?"

"I think you might have the wrong person, Sir."

"Can you please show our guest to her room." Yakov asks the man.

"Of course, Prince Yakov." The man grabs my bags and starts walking down the hall. 

After a couple seconds of walking, and Yakov is out of site, the man asks me something. "Are you sure we haven't met before?" 

"I don't believe so?" He stops walking and looks at me. I look down at my feet and move my bangs that completely cover my left eye. "It's nice to see you again, Leffe." 

"!!! What are you doing here!?"

"I was on my way here, when Prince Yakov saved me."

"Does he know-" I cut Leffe off.

"No, he doesn't and I don't want him to."

"But why not?"

"Just please don't tell him, Leffe."

"Of course, Miss Hikari."

I start walking, "Also, please call me Yami."

We arrive in front of a door and we both walk in. I look around the room and my eyes land back on Leffe. "I don't need such a fancy room. A plane room would work too."

"Sorry Miss- uh, Yami, but Prince Yakov wants you to stay in this room while you are here."

"Okay, thank you, Leffe."

Leffe takes a few steps towards the door before turning back towards me. "Prince Yakov would like you to see him after you are done unpacking." 

"Okay, thank you, Leffe."

He leaves the room and I start to unpack. In about two minutes, I am done and walk out of the room. I close the bedroom door behind me and start walking down the hallway. After a couple seconds of walking, a servant walks up to me. 

"Good evening, Sir. Do you know where I could find Prince Yakov?"

"He might be in his office, it's the room at the end of the hallway and to the right."

"Thank you, Sir." I bow to him and continue walking down the hallway. As I continue walking, I notice that all the servants are male. (Where are all the female workers?) When I get to the end of the hall, I knock on the door to the right and wait for a response. 


"May I come in, Prince Yakov?"

"Yes." I slowly open the door and see him sitting at his desk. He stands up and hands me an envelope. "These are the documents you need to fill out to get your new passport."

I take the envelope from him and hold it against my chest. "Thank you, is that all you wanted to see me for?"

"Yes, you may go back to your room." I bow to him and turn towards the door, as I am about to open it, I hear Yakov speak. "I will send Leffe to your room when dinner is ready."

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