Chapter 6

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///HEY~~~!!!!!!!!!! Sorry the last chapter was sooooo short. I promise to make this chapter a bit longer. If you like this chapter please vote and follow me for more stories. Please leave story ideas in the comments or just message me. Hope you guys like this chapter!!!!///

The day after the party, I wake up to hear a knock at the door. I climb out of bed and fix my clothes. I open the door to see Sergei holding a small box in his hand. He holds it out to me and I gently take it from him. 

"What's this?"

"Your new passport."

"How did you get it issued so quickly?" I ask while carefully opening the box.

"I made a few calls, I'll make arrangements for you to return home tonight."

"That isn't necessary, but thank you.

"What do you mean? Don't you live in Oriens?"

"What makes you think that?" I turn away from Sergei and walk into my room. 

"Your name sounds Oriensian, and you don't look like a Sybilain woman."

"I'm sorry I have no sex-appeal." 

"I didn't expect much from you anyways." 

"Thanks," I say sarcastically. "I'll tell Yakov about my new passport and I'll call my brother."

"Who is your brother?"

"You'll find out. If that's all you needed then will you please excuse me, Sergei." 

"Of course." 

I watch as Sergei turns around and starts walking down the hall. I close the bedroom door and quickly change into a spare change of clothes that I brought with me on my trip. I quickly brush my hair and pull out a pen and paper out of my bag. I sit and my desk and begin writing. 

"Dear Yakov,

            Thank you for everything you've done for me. Saving me on the plane, letting me stay at your castle, and introducing me to all the amazing people who work here. It's been fun getting to know you as well, and I wish I never had to leave, but... After I leave the castle, I'm afraid that I will never be able to return. I have my own life to live back in Altaria. Our time together has been wonderful, I loved every part of it, even the dark parts. There weren't very many, but that's good right? Most of our time has been filled with light and joy. Please thank everyone at the castle for their assistance and please tell Leffe it was nice to see him again. I'm not sure that I'll get the chance to tell them myself or not, but even if I do, it wouldn't hurt to tell them twice. Thank you, Yakov, I hope one day in the near future, you will be the one to become King and Sanct Sybil will join the alliance. Goodbye, forever...

                                                                         Your Eternal Darkness and Light,

                                                                                                                Yami Hikari"

After I finish writing the letter, I fold it in half and stuff it into my pocket. I stand up and walk out of the room. I walk down the hall and find myself standing in front of Yakov's office door. The door is slightly cracked open, so I peek in. I look into the room and see that Yakov has fallen asleep at his desk. (Poor Yakov, he must not have gotten any sleep recently. I heard chamomile tea helps with sleep. I'll go make him a cup, before he wakes up.) I quietly close the door to Yakov's office and start walking towards the kitchen. I quickly make a warm pot of tea and bring it back to Yakov's office. I gently knock on the door, but no one answers. I slowly open the door and see that Yakov is still asleep at his desk. I silently walk over to his desk with the tea and gently rub his back. 

"Yakov," I say quietly. 

"Hmm?" Yakov rubs his eyes and slowly sits up. 


"Hmm? Yami?" 

"Yes? I made you some tea, Yakov. It should help you sleep. Would you like some?"

"No, I would like to stay awake."

"Aren't you tired? You should take better care of yourself, Yakov." 

"I will," He tries to stand up, but his legs give out and he catches himself on his desk. I quickly run over and help him walk to the couch. He sits down on the couch and I sit next to him. 

"Um... Yakov. I..."

"What is it, Yami?"

"Sergei just gave me my new passport this morning, so I'm going to call my brother later and have him come pick me up tomorrow morning."

"You must be excited to finally be able to go home." Yakov looks down at the floor with a sorrowful expression on his face.

I lean forward and look up at Yakov. He turns his head away from me, but I slide onto the floor and rest my chin on his knee. I smile up at him and he laughs. "Hahahaha!!! You silly girl!" He playfully messes up my hair. 

"Yakov! Stop, you're messing up my hair!!!!" 

"Hahahaha! Then don't be so silly!"

 "But I like being silly, it always makes you smile." 

We both laugh, when I hear a knock at the door. "May I come in?"

"Of course, Sergei."

Sergei walks into the room and looks down at me confused. "What?"

"Nothing. I was just wondering if you called your brother yet. Have you?"

"Not yet, but-"

"Then you shall call him now."

He holds out his hand to me and I gently take it. I stand up and walk over to the phone. I hold the phone up to my ear and start dialing my brother's phone number. I listen to the phone and wait for someone to answer. 

"Hello?" I hear Alberto answer from the other end of the phone. 

"Alberto, I am ready to leave now. Can you send someone to pick me up by tomorrow morning."

"Is that really the time you wish to leave your Highness."

"Yes, is Roberto nearby?" 

"Yes, I will go retrieve him for you."

"Thank you, Alberto."


"Yes, Roberto?"

"Are you coming home?"

"Yes, I should be home by tomorrow afternoon."

"YAAY!!!!!!!! I'm so excited to see you again! It's been so long!"

"It's only been a year."

"Yes, but I've missed you! Oh, Yami, I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright, goodbye." I hang up the phone and turn to Yakov. "I guess this is my last day in Sanct Sybil kingdom." 

"I guess it is." Yakov stands up and takes a couple steps towards me. He gently takes my hands in his and smiles at me. "Would you like to get out of the castle?"

"Can we?!" We both look up at Sergei and smile. 

Sergei sighs and looks at both of us. "I don't see why not. Just don't go too far."

"We won't," Yakov says before pulling me out of the office and into my room.

///Hey guys!!!! That's it for this chapter. I promise to update soon. If you liked this chapter than go ahead and vote on this chapter and follow me for more stories. Please leave story ideas in the comments or just message me. BYE~!!!!!!///

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