Q & A

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///HEY GUYS~~~!!!!!! This update is just a Q & A. The video above is my favorite anime song, which I mention later in the update. Thank you Lexi for suggesting this Q & A, I will be featuring different characters from Voltage Inc., so not just characters from Be My Princess. Also, Yami is going to represent me. Okay, lets get started!!!!!!!!!///

I sit down on the bed and pull out a letter. I unfold the letter and start reading the questions. "Who-" As I start to read the first question, Leffe and Yakov burst open the door. 

"Yami! We heard you were doing a Q&A!" Leffe says while running towards me.

"Yes, would you two like to help?"

"YES!!!!!" Lefe and Yakov answer, as Yakov takes the letter from me.

"Sooooo... Who is your celebrity crush?" Yakov asks while looking down at me.

"It's obviously you Yakov. *Nervous laughter*" I feel my cheeks blush as I try not to look up at Yakov. I feel him lean in closer, and I feel his breathe on my cheek.

"Am I really your favorite celebrity? Be honest." Yakov leans away from me and I sigh.

"No, my favorite celebrity is Dwayne Johnson." I look up at Yakov and smile. I then hear my phone ring. I answer the phone and put it on speaker. "Hello?" 

"Yami, this is Eisuke."

"Hey~ Eisuke!" 

"Yami... Why didn't you tell me about the Q&A?"

"Because you're in Japan? I don't know, I just forgot about it."


"I didn't forget about you, I- *sigh* Would you like to read me the second question, Eisuke?"

"Yes, who do you look up to the most?" 

"It's me! Right~ Yami~?!" I hear Baba ask through the phone.

"No." I answer.

"That hurt, Yami. Do you really not look up to me?" 

"I don't even look down at you, Mitsunari." 


"As I was going to say, I look up to Roman Reigns!" 

"Who is this, Roman Reigns?" I hear Soryu ask through the phone.

"He's a heavy weight wrestler in WWE." 

"Can I read the next question, Yami!?" I hear Ota ask. 

"No..." I hang up the phone, then hear it ring again.

I look down to see who it and hold it up to my ear. "Hey, Haru!"

"Hey, Yami. I heard that you're doing a Q&A. May I ask you the next question?"

"Of course, Haru!" I put the phone on speaker and hold it out in front of me.

"What is your favorite song?" 

"Ummm... can it be an anime song or no?"

"Tell me your favorite anime song and then a real song."

"Anime songs are real songs, Haru."

"You know what I mean."

"Ummmmmmm, there are just so many great songs out there. I would say that my favorite anime song is probably 'Mysterious Messenger' from the otome game 'Mystic Messenger'. Or the song 'It's Not Like I Like You!!' from 'Nightcore'. I can't pick a favorite. My favorite real world song is most likely 'Starships' by Pentatonix or 'Let Her Go' by Passenger."

"You can't just pick one." Yakov says.

"No, you're lucky I only choose four. My list of favorite songs is endless! Okay, next question-"

"Ohhhhhh! Can I ask you the question, Yami!?!?!" Rihito yells through the phone.

"Sure, Richy."

"Okay, name one person that annoys you."

"Ummmmm, no one really annoys me, but if I had to choose someone, I would choose either you or a bully of any kind." 


"You not a bully, Richy. You're just a bit annoying." 

"WHA-" I hang up the phone, then hear it ring once again. I answer the phone and hold it up to my ear. 


"Yami, I'm sorry to bother you, but I heard that you are doing a Q&A."

"Hi Yukinojo. That's right, I am. Lemme guess, you want to ask me the next question?"

"Yes, may I?"

"Of course!" 

"What is your career goal?" 

"I don't really have a realistic career goal, but I dream of going to Ohio State University to join their marching band."

"Do you play an instrument?"

"Yes, I have played trumpet for about 6 years."  

"WHAT?!" I hear Roberto yell from the other side of the bedroom door. "I'm your brother, why didn't I know that!?!" 

"It's not like your my brother in reality, my real brother is a year younger than me." 

"Well, I know that, but still, why didn't I know that you play the trumpet?"

"We're getting off topic, like I was saying. After I graduate from college, I want to join a professional orchestra and make a living from that, or at least work for something that's main focus is on the fine arts. After I get a job, I want to become a professional cosplayer, like my uncle (technically not related to me, but is a family friend) and his family. They go to different children hospitals all over the country and perform small scenes from a movie or something. They don't make any profit from it, but I don't care, they get to see the children smile, and that's what I'm most looking forward too."

"I didn't know you were so kind-hearted, Yami." Yakov leans closer to me and I feel his breathe on my lips. I smile at him and place my index-finger on his lips. I push him back and let out a little laugh. 

"Sorry, Yakov, but I have a boyfriend." 

"WHAT?!?!" Yakov stands up and I see his face blush bright red. 


"Yami? May I ask the last question?" Leffe asks, as he reaches towards the letter.

"Be my guest."

"What is your favorite food?"

"My favorite food is-" Sergei suddenly opens the door and walks into the room with a tray filled with, "PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sergei walks out of the room and I follow him. 

"Yami, what about the outro?" Yakov asks.

"You know what to do, Yakov. I'm gonna go eat pizza!!!!!" I run out of the room, but stop outside the door, once it closes behind me. (Crap! I forgot my phone!) 

I crack the door open and peek in. "Well, I guess that's it for the Q&A." I hear Leffe say.

"See you guys later~! BYE~~~!!!!!!!!" I hear Roberto yell. 

"Um, guys. I think Yami left her phone in here." I hear Yakov say as he walks towards the door. I quietly step away from the door, and run down the hallway, after the pizza. 

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