Chapter 5

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///HELLO~~~~~!!!!!!!!!! I am running out of story ideas!!!!!! ^^;;;;;; Please comment story ideas for this story and/or any other story/ one shots you guys would like me to write in the future. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!!!! BYE~~~!!!!!!!!!! for now///

I enter my room and flop over onto the bed. I bury my face in the pillow and take a deep breathe. I sit up, then walk over to my door. I open my door to find Yakov about to knock. "Oh... um, Yakov. What can I do for you?" Yakov walks into my room and straight to the closet. "Um... Yakov?" 

He opens the closet doors and pulls out a dress. ///the dress in the picture above/// He holds it up to me and I gently take it from him. "Put it on."

"Are we going somewhere?"

"No, I am holding a party tonight for the return of my friend, Sergei." 

"Alright," I say while gently laying the dress down on the bed.

"Come to my office when you are finished getting dressed." 

"Okay," Yakov walks out of my room and closes the door behind him. I quickly get changed and put on a light layer of makeup. I gently lift the hem of the dress off the ground and leave my room. 

I walk up to Yakov's office door and see the door slightly cracked. I quietly peek inside the office and see Yakov with his hair down. He's leaning his head against his right hand and I hear him let out a big sigh. I stand up straight and take a deep breathe before I knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Yami, may I come in?"

"Of course." 

I slowly open the door and peek my head through the opening. I see Yakov wearing his royal attire and his hair is now braided once again. I step through the doorway and close the door behind me. I see Yakov's eyes widen as he stands up and takes a few steps towards me. I feel my cheeks burn bright red, as I feel Yakov's hand against my left cheek. 

"You look beautiful, Yami." I look up at him as his lips are only an inch away from mine.

"Thank you-"

Leffe burst open the doors and Yakov and I jump away from each other. "Leffe, didn't Sergei ever teach you to knock?!" 

"Yeah, I think so, but the party is starting! Come on!" Leffe grabs my wrist and runs through the door, pulling me to the ball room. Yakov, running behind us, stops in front of the ball room door, along with Leffe and I. Leffe let's go of my wrist and walks through the door, and into the party. 

I look up at Yakov and feel my cheeks blush slightly. Yakov holds out his arm to me and smiles shyly. "May I escort you to the party, Yami?"

"Of course." I gently wrap my arm around his and walk into the ballroom, by Yakov's side. 

///HEY GUYS~~~!!!!!!!!!! Sorry this chapter was so incredibly short, I couldn't think of a way to tie it together with the next scene^^;; I hope guys still enjoyed this chapter, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'll try to update soon, BYE~~~!!!!!!!!!!!///

Yakov's Eternal Darkness and LightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora