Chapter 12

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///Hey guys~ sorry it's been a while since I last updated. I've been reading the Black Butler manga, so I've been a bit busy. School is about to start for me in a couple weeks and I might not update as often, due to the amount of homework I receive. I'm sorry to everyone who is into this Yakov Fanfiction, but this will be the last chapter. If you enjoyed it, please follow me and leave other Voltage Inc. story ideas in the comment section. If you enjoy this chapter, please vote. BYE~!!!!/// 

After dinner, Yakov yawns before standing up and walking towards his office. I sit at the table for a bit longer before walking into the kitchen. I look around the kitchen and I see the basket of herbs I gathered a couple days ago. (Yakov hasn't been getting much sleep lately, so I'll make him some chamomile tea. That should help him sleep better.) As I start to prepare the tea, Sergei walks in, "Princess Yami, I already told you that you are not allowed to cook while you're staying here." 

"This technically isn't cooking, I'm just brewing tea."

"I can do that." He answers.

I set the tea pot on a tray along with a tea cup. "Well, I'm already done. Good bye, Sergei." I rush out of the kitchen and head towards Yakov's office. The door is once again, slightly cracked open. I peek in and see Yakov asleep at his desk with his hair down. I stand back outside the room and knock on the door.

I hear him moan and quietly say something. "Mmm... Yami?"

I quietly open the door and step into the room. "Yes, Yakov?"

"Mm... Is it morning already?"

"No, it's only 8 o'clock."

"Mm, it was nice to see you when I woke, I want that to happen again." 

"Yeah? Well, you can't continue to sleep in here, Yakov. You might get sick, let's get you to your room."

"Okay," he slowly stands up and walks beside me, making sure not to walk faster than me, as I carry the tea set. "Yami, why are carrying around the tea?"

"I made you some tea, but I want you to go back to your room first." 

"What kind of tea is it?"

"It's chamomile tea, it should help you fall asleep."

"Thank you, but I don't need help falling asleep." He denies it.

"Yes, you do Yakov. I know you haven't been getting much sleep, that's why you keep falling asleep in your office. I don't want you to get sick, Yakov. You need to take better care of yourself."

"I might sleep better if you were there with me."

"Huh?" I feel my cheeks flush red as we arrive in front of his bedroom door. "Maybe..." 

He opens the door to his room and we both walk in, I set down the tray and look back at Yakov, as he starts to take off his shirt. I feel my cheeks flash bright red, as I look down at the floor. He then puts on a robe and sits down  on his bed. He pats the spot next to him and smiles up at me. I quickly pour him a cup of tea and hand it to him, as I sit down next to him. 

He quickly drinks the tea and sets the cup down on the nightstand. He then lays down on his bad and holds out his hand to me. "I'm too shy, Yakov!" 

"Come here." He says softly to me, as he gently takes my hand and pulls me closer to him. I crawl up next him and feel him wrap his arms around me. I feel him move my bangs and lightly plant a kiss on my forehead. I look up at him, but see that he has already fallen asleep. (Poor Yakov, he really must have been tired) I slowly close my eyes and feel myself drift off to sleep.

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