Chapter 4

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Yakov slams the bedroom door behind him as he walks towards my closet and swings open the doors. 

"Um... Yakov? Are you alright?" I say while walking up behind him to look in my closet. 

"Yeah, I guess you and Leffe are getting really close now."

"What do you mean?"

"He called you be your name."

"I find it uncomfortable when people call me by last name. Also, I don't think Leffe and I have gotten very close. I've just known him for a while."

"How long is a while?"

"Since my thirteenth birthday."

"How old are you now?"

"Nineteen," I say while pulling out a blouse and a pare of leggings from the closet.

"How did you meet, Leffe?"

"My brother took me to Leffe's family farm for my 13th birthday, so I could learn to ride a horse. Leffe rode with us on a trail ride through the forest, but we were ambushed. I tried to scare them away with my bow, but they came right at me with a sword and gave me this scare on my eye. My brother chased them away, while Leffe brought me back to the farm and called and ambulance. After I was at the hospital, Leffe visited me everyday until I was able to leave."

"So... you and Leffe are just friends?"

"Yes," I answer as Yakov gently caresses my left cheek with his thumb. 

"Would it be alright if... I called you by your first name too?"

"Of course, Yakov." He walks towards the door and slightly opens it. 


"Yes?" I answer while closing the closet doors.

"Yami." He smiles at me mischievously. "I like it." 

(He looks like a mischievous little boy when he smile at me like that)

He leaves my room and closes the door behind him. I quickly change into the blouse and leggings and leave my room. I walk to the kitchen and fill a canteen. (I should go back to the garden and bring back some of the herbs I found.) I grab one of the baskets and my canteen and leave for the garden. 

I wonder through the forest, looking for different types of herbs. After about ten minutes of walking, I sit down on a log and take a drink out of my canteen. I look down at the herbs, (Is that chamomile!). I stand up and bend over to pick some, when I hear someone walk up behind me. I pretend not to notice, as the footsteps start to get closer. (Are they walking towards me?!) I stand up straight and walk deeper into the forest. The footsteps continue to follow me and I sit down on my knees. I feel someone grab my shoulder and I quickly back hand the person and stand up, ready to fight. 

The person doesn't attack back, he just tightly grabs both of my wrists. "Who are you and what are you doing in this garden?!" 

"Who am I?! Who the hell are you and why were you following me!?!" He let's go of one of my wrists and starts to run, still holding onto my left hand. "What the hell are you-"

"Just keep running!" 

As I run, I look behind us and see three men running after us. I notice that they both have the same tattoo on their arms. I look back at the man holding my wrists and continue running. Not long after that, I trip, and look up at the men chasing us. They continue running and are only a couple feet behind me. I struggle to stand, (Damn! I hurt my ankle.) when I hear a wolf howl. The man that was holding my wrist tries to help me stand up, but I resist.

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