Chapter 9

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///This chapter is going back to Yami's Point Of View. WARNING!!!!! More mature content, you have been warned again!!!!! Okay, that's all, BYE~!!!///

When I come to, I am lying on the bed with my arms and legs still tied together. Except my arms are now tied together in front of me. (Why would he tie my arms together in front of me?) I lean forwards and see Gustav sitting at the footrest of my bed. I quickly sit up straight as he walks towards me and kisses me on the lips. He closes his eyes as I feel his hands move all over my body. (Damn! I can't get out of this.) I look down and see the dagger hanging from his pocket. (How stupid can Gustav be?!) I start to kiss him back as I carefully pull the knife out of pocket. He doesn't notice, but he pushes me onto the bed and starts kissing my neck. I slowly cut the ropes around my hands and push Gustav off of me. 

I quickly cut the ropes around my feet and swing the knife at Gustav. He dodges my attack and grabs the other knife on the table. I hear a gunshot and hear the footsteps of the two men as they run away from the cabin. "You stupid girl!"

I quickly stand on one leg and swing the dagger at Gustav once more. He dodges the blade and knocks the knife out of my hand. (Damn it!) He thrusts the knife towards my stomach, but I catch his forearm in my fist and take the knife out of his hand. I lean against the wall, trying to stop my leg from hurting. 

"Don't you want to experience the pleasure with me once more?" 

"I wouldn't call that pleasure, Gustav."

"You have to admit, you enjoyed it a little." 

I stand up straight and look at him with disgust. "You pervert!" I then hear the window smash above me and I quickly cover my eyes. I look up and see an arrow in the wall on the other side of the room. (Glenn!!!!) Gustav runs towards me, but I stab the knife into his arm and he punches my right cheek. (Ow!!!!) Gustav pulls the knife out of his arm and I take a few steps away from him and find myself standing against the wall. 

Gustav swings the knife at me, but I dodge it and hear Yakov swing open the door. He pulls out his sword and lunges towards Gustav. 

"Yakov, you're finally here." Gustav smiles and points the knife at Yakov.

"Gustav this ends today, let Yami go!" Yakov thrusts his sword at Gustav, but Gustav dodges it. Gustav swings the knife at Yakov and barely cuts Yakov's cheek. 

While the two continue to fight, I see Roberto peek into the room. I try to walk to him, but my leg gives out and I fall. "Yami!" Yakov becomes distracted by me and I hear a gunshot. Roberto runs to me and forces me to walk to the door. 

I refuse to leave the cabin, as I turn around and see Gustav with his back to me. I look past him and see Yakov kneeling on the floor. I see blood run down Yakov's chest as Gustav points the gun at him. I quickly look to my right and see the arrow stuck in the wall next to me.

"This is the end of you Yakov Chernenkov. Sanct Sybil will now be mine to rule!" I quickly pull the arrow out of the wall and stab it into Gustav's upper back. Gustav falls to my knees and turns to look at me. I see blood run from his mouth and I pull the arrow out of his back. 

"Just in case you were wondering, I didn't enjoy earlier you pervert!" I watch as Gustav's breathing comes to a stop and I limp over to Yakov. I sit down on the floor and lean Yakov onto my lap. 

"Yami, you're bleeding." Yakov says as he tries to lean forwards. 

"I'm fine, Yakov. But you need to go to a hospital, now!" 

Roberto runs over to us and helps Yakov stand. Glenn then runs into the cabin and pulls my into a tight hug. "Yami!"

I gently hug him back as I feel tears run down my cheeks. He pulls away from the hug and gently wipes away my tears. I look down at his arm and see a bit of blood on his shirt. "Glenn, what happened?" 

"Nothing, don't worry about me." I look up at him and our eyes meet. I then see a worried expression on his face. "Yami, you look a bit pale, are you alright?" 

I look back down at his arm and loose my balance as the room goes dark. 

When I come to, I am staring up at an unfamiliar ceiling. I lean forward and find myself sitting in a hospital bed. I carefully try to stand up, and my leg barely hurts anymore. (Hm, they patched me up pretty well.) I walk over to a desk and look into the mirror. I see my left eye covered by a white eye-patch, so I rip it off. I lay it on the desk and look into the mirror. I move my bangs and look into my left eye. My eye color is different from my right eye, like it has been since my thirteenth birthday. My right eye is brown, and my left eye is completely blood red. The whites of my eyes have been stained by the blood and the brown has shifted to black. 

(No wonder why that one wolf was scared when it saw my eye. But... Yakov didn't seem startled by it.) I move my bangs in front of my left eye and walk towards the door.

When I open the room door, I am met by a tight hug from a small person. I look down to see Alan in tears. "Alan? What's wrong?" I kneel down and gently wipe away his tears. 

"I was worried about you."

"That's very sweet of you, but how did you get here?"

"Yu came and brought me here so I could see you." 

"Where is he now?"

"He's with Glenn. They're talking to one of the doctors about something."

"Okay, thank you, Alan." I tightly hug him, then stand up straight. I see Roberto stand up from one of the chairs and slowly walk over to me. He pulls me into a gentle hug and I look around the hallway.  "Roberto? Where's Yakov?" 

"He's in one of the other hospital rooms."

"Can you take me to him, please."

"Yami... he- um..."

"What is it?"

"He hasn't woken up yet. The doctor says that he's in a coma."

"What?!" I look down and try to hold back my tears. "Please, Roberto... take me to him."

"As you wish." 

Roberto leads me down the hall and we are soon standing in front of a door. I crack open the door and see Yakov asleep on the bed. I quietly walk into the room and kneel down on the floor next to the bed. I gently take Yakov's right hand in my own and put my other hand in my pocket. I feel something in my pocket and pull it out. I look down at it and feel a tear run down my cheek. (It's the letter I was going to give Yakov before I left.) 

I feel someone's hand on my shoulder and I look up to see Roberto looking down at me. "I'll wait for you outside, Yami. Come out when you're ready."

"Alright, thank you." 

I watch as Roberto leaves the room and closes the door behind him. I slowly stand up and sit on the side of the bed next to Yakov. I gently start to caress his cheek and feel another tear run down my own. I carefully lay down on the bed next to Yakov and bury my face into his bicep. 

"Yakov... please wake up, I- I love you." I feel more tears run down my cheeks, as I close my eyes and try to calm down my breathing.

///Sorry guys, that's all for this chapter. If you liked it please vote and follow me for more stories! See you guys next chapter! BYE~~~!!!!!/// 

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