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I whispered it in hopes it would bring him there. "Magnus. Magnus."

The room was dark, the walls slicks with something that was warm on my fingers. Tears streamed down my face in rivers.

"He won't be there, my daughter. He won't. But stay with me."

"That's likely," another voice said, but I kept very still as I felt hands around my waist. They pulled me back slowly and deliberately. I kept my breathing level and slow, gritting my teeth in order not to cry out. The wound on my stomach throbbed like fire.

"Your timing is impeccable," I murmured.

Instead of a usual snarky answer, there was no response. We backed into the shadows together, and down a long hall. Finally, I could see the main door behind me as Magnus guided me there. He reached for the doorknob and lead me outside, shutting the door behind him.

"Are you crazy?" Magnus screeched as soon as he was out. He shook my shoulders, his thumbs digging into my shoulders. "You should've told me! You should've told me you were going to see her!"

"I didn't want to bother-"

I made a gasping noise. The bathroom was small and compact, but it gave me time to think. Soaps and perfumes crammed the shelves, and the water from the faucet was still running. I continuously splashed my face, trying to clear my thoughts. The visions had started maybe an hour ago, and I blamed it on the spiked Pepsi I'd had. At least, I was pretty sure it was spiked. Some sort of hallucinogen, I guessed.

I rested my head against the wall, closing my eyes. But all I could see instead were that woman's eyes, dark and lustrous, strange and cunning. I  snapped open my eyes again when I heard a knocking at the door. The rap was quiet, but insistent. I blinked and opened it.

"Mr. Bane, I'm sorry-" I quickly apologized, but again, his eyes caught me off guard. So bright and gold, filled with mischief.

"Don't worry. You're fine." He gave me a calm, winning grin, but shut the door behind him. I backed up against the sink, eyes wide.


"Now, why do you have that look in your eye? Like you've seen something you can't get out of your head?" Magnus's eyes bored into mine, questioning. My breath increased in rate just slightly, and I prayed he couldn't see that.

"Nothing. I just think someone spiked my Pepsi or something."

He grinned, scrunching his nose in a cute way. I gritted my teeth. "You sure that's it, sweetheart?"

"Don't call me sweetheart," I said, raising my brow. "And, um, I should rejoin the party..."

"No, no, don't worry. Your friends are singing a more happy ballad. I told them I'd look for you, to make sure you were okay." Before I could protest, he continued. "Now, tell me, Andrea, why do you throw off such a complicated aura?"

Confusion swept through me. "Excuse me?"

Magnus stepped forward, locking me in a gaze. "Your aura. Complicated. Why?"

"Yeah, no," I said, about to push past him. "So you're some kind of weird person who sells books preaching about auras and visions and shit, right? You spiked the Pepsi, didn't you? That's sick." I was about to open the door, but Magnus grabbed my hand firmly.

"You know what I mean, Andrea. You're just trying not to answer me directly. What are you? Some sort of Shadow Hunter under the influence of Valentine? Just tell me, I won't hurt you or anything. I'm just curious."

Forgotten Love (A Magnus Bane Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now