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"Magnus!" I exclaimed, trying to move from his grip. Unfortunately, both my hands were tied behind my back, Magnus' strong arms restricting me from trying to do anything funny. "What the hell-?"

And then Meliorn was walking towards me, a smile stretched lightly across his face. "Hello, Andrea," he said, giving me an easy bow. I growled from the back of my throat, a sound I would've never expected to come out of me. "The queen has asked me to bring you back."

"I told you I don't want to come back!" I yelled, struggling against Magnus. "She has to respect that. I'm her daughter, not her property-"

"The queen is in charge of everything," Meliorn said calmly, walking towards me. He gently inspecyed me, placing a finger under my chin. I jerked my head away, but Magnus' grip got tighter. I gasped.

"Why bring Magnus into it? He'll just find me and bring me back-"

"That's the point of this magic, silly. The warlock will remmeber nothing of this even, barely anything of you." He laughed at my stunned expression. "Yes, Andrea, Faeries have tricks up their sleeves. And with the wound on your cheek- an easy tracker- it was easy to find you." He gently caressed my cheek, and I was too stunned to turn away this time.

"Now," Meliorn said finally, withdrawing. "You can either come willingly, or unwillingly. Whichever way works for you."

"I don't want to go either way. Make Magnus be...normal. Leave us both alone!" I tried to move my hands, but nothing happened. Magnus tightened his grip, making me gasp in pain. Meliorn smiled a little wider.

"If I make him 'be normal', as you say, Seelie Princess, we will have no choice but to hunt both you and the warlock down. He will be killed because of you."

I gasped. "No, no, Meliorn, please-"

"The only way to protect him is to come with me willingly." Meliorn strode closer to me, and I stared into his eyes. They were a greenish tint under the sun.

I steeled my breath, and finally whispered, "Okay."

Instantly, Magnus dropped me and fell to the ground. I rushed to his aid, but Meliorn held me back and linked one arm around mine, to restrain me. "Magnus!" I screamed. "Let me help him!"

"No, Seelie Princess," Meliorn whispered in my ear. "You will not be allowed to touch him. If you do, he will remember you. It is not something you want to do under the Seelie Queen's watch."

"No, I won't," I gasped, prying my ear. "I know my magic. I can heal him without touching him. Then...then you can bring me to the Seelie Queen. Please, Meliorn."

Meliorn hesitated. Finally, he pushed me towards him. "I know of the tricks you could commit. I will be watcing your every move, Princess."

I nodded and knelt by the unconcious Magnus. My hands went to work, doing things I never expected them to do. Slowly, Magnus started to moan. I smiled in relief.

"Come along, then," Meliorn said, picking me up by the scruff of my neck. I gasped, and before he could notice, let my arm outsretch.

And my finger touched Magnus' cheek.

I stood by my mother's thrown, clasping the arm rest hard. It'd been two days since I'd arrived in the Seelie Court, and so far, nothing had happened. It seemed my plan hadn't worked: Magnus couldn't have remembered me.

"And we suspect no Shadowhunters on our trail, my lady," Meliorn was saying as he stiffly bowed. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Mother," I said. "Might I retire to my chambers?"

The words were so formal, so icky in my mouth, that I felt like gagging. Unfortunately, it was the only language my mother expected.

"Meliorn, thank you for your report. Please move the Seelie Princess to her chambers." She gave me a kiss on my right hand, a casual goodbye for Faeries. "G'night, my dearest," she murmured. "Tomorrow, I shall teach you more magic. The true, Faerie magic." She smiled and nodded. "Good night, again."

I raised an eyebrow. She'd been talking to me about learning Faerie magic for the past two days now, ever since Meliorn had brought me back. Meliorn gently took my arm in his and walked me down the hallway. I glanced over at him.

"So," he started quietly. I realized he hadn't made small talk to me in quite a while. I glanced over at him.

"Yes?" I said, gritting my teeth.

"Nothing," he said, and continued to walk me down the hallway. I gave him an annoyed stare. When he noticed this, he sighed again. "Really, Andrea, it's nothing. Just...keep walking."

"Just tell me what you want to-"

Suddenly, I was against a wall. I gasped. "Meliorn-!"

"Be quiet," he murmured. "I thought I heard something. Stay here."

My heart beat out of my chest. Meliorn's breath was warm on my forehead. Gently, he slithered out of sight. I caught my breath again, then gathered up the ends of my dress and followed him.

He was walking through the gates, going back outside through the city streets. I wondered vaguely on how he'd heard something from all the way outside. I steled my breath and struggled to continue. The heels I was wearing didn;t make it any better. They clacked, but Meliorn didn't seem to hear them.

Finally, I heard his voice: "I have the girl with me. She is inside the headquarters."

"Good. I have your payment. Give her to me. She needs to be euthanized."

I struggled to breathe. The voice was Mason's. It was stone cold, but easily his.

"Very well, let me retrieve her." meliorn turned in my direction. I squeezed my eyes shut and concentrated. I needed not to be seen, not to be heard, not to be felt.

Suddenly, I wasn't there anymore. I couldn't feel myself, but I manage to back away very slowly from Meliorn as he walked forward. Even though I was easily a few feet away from him, and it was dusk, he oculdn't see me. I was invisible.

Meliorn walked back inside. I made my way towards Mason, who was tapping his foot impatiently. I went close to his face, staring into his eyes. he didn't even blink.

"Shadowhunter," I breathed.

He was startled, but didn't turn in the direction of me. "Seelie Queen?" he asked. I gritted my teeth. My mother was like me after all. And I was like my mother.


I shoved him back, my powers taking over me. "That!" I screamed. "Is for stealing Magnus from me!"

He skittered on his feet. He was soon on the street floor. I made myself rise, becoming visible. he gasped, gooing back. "Drew, please!"

"And this!" I shouted, power swirling around me. "Is for everything else!"

I shot the power in my hands at him. He was catapulted away so far I couldn't see him. I huffed strands of hair out of my face.

Forgotten Love (A Magnus Bane Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now