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"I do not-" Meliorn stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me, still huffing from my fight with Mason. he held up his hands in defeat. "You are a very interesting being, Seelie Princess. Far more powerful than you thought yourself to be." I was about to protest, bringing my arms to protect me, but he held up his hands even further. "Listen to me, Andrea. I knew you would strike Mason down. I knew it for a fact. I know you are strong and you will prosper, even longer than your mother." He sighed. "You asked what you are. You asked who your father was."

"I did," I said hesitantly, steeling my breath.

"And I can show you," Meliorn said, still keeping his hands up as he walked towards me. I took a sure step back, but kept my eyes on him. "I could help you. I could save you. Just let me."

I gritted my teeth, which I had been doing a lot of lately. "I don't know if I can trust you, meliorn. You kidnapped me, stole the person I loved's memories, everything about me...How can I know you'll stay true to your word and help me figure things out?"

"Because I can tell you right now," Meliorn said, and gently reached a hand out to touch my cheek. I took in a breath as my world tumbled beneath me.

"Darling," a voice whispered. "Are you sure we can just leave her like this, all alone?"

A female voice spoke up. I knew it was my mother by the delicateness of her voice, the beautiful melodic sound. "I'm sure," she said, and laced her fingers through his, a smile on her face. Her auburn hair spilled over her shoulder and her eyes were bright and lovely.

I turned my sight on the one talking to her and gasped.

The man had my dark hair and my facial structure. His worried look mirrored the one I saw in the mirror almost every day. But his eyes were not mine. They were the color of warm chocolate and specks mint leaves. I was lost in the hazel-ish swirls for a second until I realized they were still speaking on top of my fascination.

"But she's only small. I don't know if she could live-"

"You know what I am, my dearest," she whispered, and stroked the man's cheek. His eyes fluttered closed, caught in the moment. "And you know what Awsten will be capable of when she grows old. I just want her have a full, happy life. But it can't be-"

She suddenly stopped talking, her back going straight. The man raised an eyebrow. He said something in a tongue I didn't realize, but at the end, I heard a name. "Sesisilia?"

I caught my breath. couldn't be her...


"Please, Jonathan," Sesisilia whispered. "Don't call me that. Please. I dropped that name when I-"

"I know," he whispered, and took her hand, kissing it in his own. "But perhaps it is a more holy name. And it is your name. But-"

"Jonathan," she whispered again, and this time, it was a bit more forced. her teeth were gritted. "I hear something. Stay low."

"I'm not letting you risk yourself for me. I'm coming with you. I'm a Shadowhunter, darling, or have you forgotten?"

"But-" The Seelie Queen looked at a loss for words. Finally, she nodded, bowing her head. "Very well. But you must stay behind me. You must, Jonathan. I could not see you get hurt. I would blame myself if you were ever to get hurt."

"I won't get hurt," Jonathan said, giving her a smile. Suddenly, with a start, I realized it could've been the last one he'd send her.

Nonetheless, she gave him a smile, a wide one that someone could only give when they were in love.

I turned myself around so I saw the baby, Awsten. She was wriggling in her crib, letting out small baby moans of protest. I drifted towards her, leaning down my her crib and caressing her face. She gently opened her eyes and I stared into them. They were as blue as mine.

Awsten. My name was Awsten. Before they changed me for the better, before they made me forget about the life I had in front of me, the life of Shadowhunters and Faeries. My name was Awsten.

Suddenly, there was a scream. A loud, piercing scream that made the baby- me- close her eyes and squeeze them tightly. I turned around and struggled for breath.

Jonathan was on the ground, a deep wound in his chest. I rushed over, wanting to do anything to help. My mother was over him, her eyes squeezed shut. She was shouting a curse at... a Greater Demon. It's skin was indigo. Its eyes were bloodred. It stared my mother down, not looking away for a second. But she kept chanting, holding her hands up. A black orb of energy formed in her hands, and she shot it at the demon, screaming, "I banish you, foul creature!"

The Greater Demon screamed in agony and protest, and suddenly, it vanished.

My mother collapsed, turning around to face Jonathan. "Oh, no," she whispered. "No, Jonathan, no, please-"

"Seesisilia," he whispered, and she did not protest this time. He grasped feebly for her fingers, and I could now see the wound up close. "Sing me to sleep."

"You're going to be fine, Johnny, just fine-"

"Please?" His eyes were light, lighter than when I'd first seen them. "Just as a last time. A last request. I've never heard you sing before."

My mother closed her eyes and opened her mouth. The words that came out of her lips were not English, but I heard the words just the same:

"Mon amour, mon amour. S'il vous plaît restez, pour je t'aime."

They were simple words, chanted over and over again. I recognized where they could've came from: French, perhaps, an old folksong forgotten. But the way my mother sang was like listening to birds sing in the morning. It was peaceful, welcoming to a new beginning.

But my mother's voice was sad. When she opened her eyes, the love of her life was gone.


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