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I made myself comfortable on the guest bed. The guest bedroom's walls were a pale pink color, that lulled me into sleep. Unfortunately, I would wake maybe fifteen minutes later every time I tried to sleep. The day's events were just too complicated, and then Magnus expected me to sleep? I scowled, thinking of his last words to me before he said good night.

"Don't worry about what happened today. We can find out something. Just rest."

"How can I rest in a stranger's house, in a bed that probably belonged to ten other people before me?" My voice was already muffled under a bundle of pillows and comforters. "You could smother someone in these things."

Magnus laughed, and calmly turned off the light. "We'll figure out what to do tomorrow before Meliorn comes to take you back."

"How do you know he'll come back?" I yawned, my words becoming nonsensical. "Maybe you guys are just a part of a roleplay group or something stupid. And you're looking for a new recruit. Yeah, that's it." I yawned again.

"You know that's not true now, don't you? I thought you were smarter." I could hear the tone of his voice: he was just joking with me.

"You don't know me too well, do you?" I snuggled into the pillows more. "Night, Bane."

"Night, Yates."

I smiled dreamily. "How do you know my last name?"

"I'm the High Warlock of Brooklyn. I know things. Now, sleep. If you get hungry, the kitchen's to the left of the living room, and the bathroom is to your right." He calmly shut the door.

Now here I was, in the overly comfortable bed Magnus had let me sleep in. I slowly sat up, blinking sleep out of my eyes and knowing I would never get back into the dreamless oblivion now. I got up, my shoeless feet making contact with the cold floor. I inwardly squealed as I tiptoed my way through the room, onto the wooly carpet, and to the door.

I opened it quickly and snuck into the hallway. I could hear soft breathing from far away, and I knew Magnus was asleep. I tiptoed by his bedroom and into the kitchen, where I turned on a pair of dim lights.

The refrigerator was fully stocked with fruits, veggies, and other simple delicacies. I grabbed a water bottle and then checked out the cabinets. French and Italian wine, crackers...I sighed and closed the doors to the cabinets I'd opened.

"You okay?"

I was startled by Magnus' voice. I turned around quickly, well aware of my bedhead. "Magnus. Oh. I'm fine. I just couldn't sleep."

"Well, I can make you a smoothie if you want."

"Is it a magical smoothie that will make me hallucinate?"

He grinned at me. "Those are the best kinds." He walked over the his refrigerator, getting out blueberries, milk, and ice cubes. He then went to one of the cabinets I hadn't looked through yet, and got out a blender. The ingredients went in quickly, and soon enough, a blueberry milkshake sat in front of me, ice cold and delicious.

Magnus popped mint leaves on the top. "They always help me go to sleep. Maybe they will for you, too?" He smiled, adding mint leaves to his own before taking a sip. I gripped my glass.

"You're going to have to prove something to me," I murmured, finally taking a sip of my own.

"What, that I actually am a magical being?" He spread his hands, one still holding the glass of blueberry milkshake. "What can I do for you, Yates?"

"Anything. As long as it's nothing electrical. Something I can't explain."

"So no light flickerings or-"

"Magnus, please?" I implored with my eyes, wide. He blinked, almost stumbling back.

"So you got the persuading gene, too, huh? How did I not guess that?" He scoffed before I could say anything, regaining his posture. "Fine...let's see..."

He put down his glass and clasped his hands together, closing his eyes. I'd never gotten to truly study him, and I could see how immortal he truly looked. His cheekbones were high, and since he didn't have the gold eyeliner on, he looked even more exciting. I felt the need to step forward and touch his face, but I willed my hand to stay down.

Finally, he spread his hands apart, and I could see the sparks on his fingertips. I blinked, stepping forward, the milkshake forgotten. The sparks got bigger and bigger, the color a radiant gold, as radiant as his eyes.

"Holy-," I whispered, and I was unable to finish the curse when Magnus opened his eyes. The sparks matched the color. I stumbled forward, and Magnus caught me, the sparks still surging in his hands. he stared down at me, his eyes concerned, but he said nothing.

My eyes were wide as I muttered, "You convinced me. did you...?"

"It's the first trick I ever mastered as a warlock," he said, shrugging. "It's nothing really. Just my magical energy."

"Can I ever learn to do that?" I asked in awe.

"" Magnus almost looked uncomfortable. "Usually, I could just say no, but with you, I'm not so sure. I've never met a spawn of the Seelie Queen. Maybe you could try right now." He shrugged.

"How?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. Magnus took my hand, and slowly spread my fingers apart. His touched was delicate, light on my skin. I took a small but deep breath, and instantly hoped he hadn't heard it.

"Imagine everything you can do, Andrea." His tone was just was delicate as his touch, a small whisper. I closed my eyes, focusing on what was inside- focusing on whatever I'd never known or cared about.

The sparking feeling came, very slowly, but it soon became insistent. I peeked open an eye to find Magnus, staring at my hands in awe.

The spars were blue, like my eyes, and bright. I blinked, and willed it to become more. I'd always thought of myself as normal and meager, just a girl trying to act tough when she truly had no one. The sparks intensified, noiseless, but seemingly roaring in my ears,

"Drew..." Magnus was in awe. I looked behind me, as that was where he was now. Slowly, Magnus took my hands, I felt something light up in his hands and looked at our now intertwined ones.

The blue and gold were brilliant, roaring high and loud. I smiled widely, and looked up at Magnus. "This is amazing," I whispered. Magnus slowly closed our hands. The sparking stopped.

"You're amazing," Magnus countered. "I didn't know anyone else can do that. And you did it so effortlessly, like you've done it before-"

"I don't know what came over me. It just happened, I guess." I smiled at him. He smiled back- a true, shy smile that made my stomach flutter.

We stared at each other for what seemed like a long time. His hand slowly cupped by face. My eyes fluttered shut, his touch relaxing me. I felt his breath on my cheeks, willing me closer and closer...

"Andrea? Andrea!"

I jumped. The voice was familiar...I suddenly gasped. "Mason. He's here. Magnus, I...I'm not ready to go back. I don't even know if I want to go back-"

Magnus still looked mystified from our almost-kiss, but nodded. "C'mon, I'll find you somewhere safe." he grabbed my hand and together we ran down the hallway, soundless.

Forgotten Love (A Magnus Bane Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now