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It was Meliorn who found me, standing in the puddle of water around my feet and shivering. He gripped my arm lightly and walked me inside, not saying anything. In shock, I struggled along with him, thinking of an excuse, thinking of something I could do to leave this place.

The hallway was just the same as I remembered. Dark until you reached the end. When Meliorn and I did, he gently held me up as we reached the Seelie Queen.

Today, her hair was arranged in a half-down/half-up style. Her auburn ringlets spiraled aimlessly behind her shoulders. Her eyes were bright and pretty, but something devious was under them. Meliorn bowed formally to his queen, then stood by her side. I stood, still in shock of where I was.

Finally, the Seelie queen said, "I believe I did not see you bow, my dear." She paused. "No matter," she said at last when she was sure I wouldn't. "I know it hasn't been a week, but I grow restless. I want you here, my dear."

"Mother," I said at last. My voice was husky. "I don't know if I want to be here."

There was a very brief silence. Finally, my mother said, "Ah. That is why I decidd to telelport you here, my dear. I knew you would not come willingly. I knew that warlock would keep you with him, driven by the idea of your power-"

"My queen," Meliorn interjected when he saw me opening my mouth in protest. The Seelie Queen smiled.

"You're fond of him, I see, Andrea," she said calmly, and slowly stood up, walking towards me. Meliorn rushed to hold out his arm, but she waved him away. He slinked backwards. "But, Andrea, you belong to me. I birthed you."

"I don't belong to anyone," I said indignantly.

And suddenly, she was right in front of me. Her palm smacked my side, an injury I wouldn't have thought much of, but the way she delivered it was enough. I gasped and crumpled.

"You belong to me," she whispered, stooping down to my level. My vision went red with hate and pain. "That is the truth, my daughter. And you will stay with me." She stood and walked back to her throne, as if wanting me to recover.

Instead, I looked up at her with loathing. Then, my mouth formed the word, the beautiful name: "Magnus."

I whispered it in hopes it would bring him there. "Magnus. Magnus."

The room was dark. My vision tunneled in my eyes. I could barely breathe as tears streamed down my face in rivers.

"He won't be there, my daughter. He won't. But stay with me."

"That's likely," another voice said, but I kept very still as I felt hands around my waist. They pulled me back slowly and deliberately. I kept my breathing level and slow, gritting my teeth in order not to cry out. The wound on my stomach throbbed like fire.

"Your timing is impeccable," I murmured.

Instead of a usual snarky answer, there was no response. We backed into the shadows together, and down a long hall. Finally, I could see the main door behind me as Magnus guided me there. He reached for the doorknob and lead me outside, shutting the door behind him.

"Are you crazy?" Magnus screeched as soon as he was out. He shook my shoulders, his thumbs digging into my shoulders. "You should've told me! You should've told me you were going to see her!"

"I didn't want to bother-" I broke off suddenly. The memory of the party I'd went to flashed in my brain. At Magnus' look of concern and confusion, I finished my sentence. "-you. And on top of that, I didn't know they were going to summon me. I couldn't stop it, couldn't control it. I-..." I stumbled, and Magnus helped me up.

"What did they do to you?" Magnus' voice was hard. I glanced up at him through harrowed breaths.

"I don't know. The Seelie Queen hit me on the side and it just...I don't know. Ow." I stumbled again, letting Magnus take control of me. His arm around my waist tightened.

"Some sort of faerie trick, I assume," he said quietly. "Come on, I'll take you home. Just relax into-"

"High Warlock of Brooklyn!"

The words stung my ears form the intensity. Suddenly, I was being picked up bridal style, and Magnus was running. I held on securely to my side, gasping from the pain. Magnus whispered reassuring things in my ear.

Suddenly, I felt something cool pierce my cheek. Magnus in took a sharp breath. "Andrea!"

And then we were spiralling again, and I was screaming form the pain in my side and the feeling of fire on my cheek. I couldn't breathe or think or react. I could only scream.

"Andrea, calm down! Look at me."

I forced my eyes open, and slowly stopped writhing. Magnus was sitting by me, staring at me and clutching my hand. The screaming slowly stopped. Magnus touched my face, the gesture out of thorough relief. "What hurts? Tell me what hurts."

Everything burned. My back arched slightly before relaxing again. My breathing slowed down. "Everything," I said, my voice wrecked.

"Won't be singing for a while." Magnus touched my cheek. His fingers were cool and felt nice against my cheek.

"What happened?" I asked quietly.

"They were trying to get us down. Meliorn, I mean. He...tried to shoot at me, but I used a spell to make him not hit us. But..but...I was in the moment, I didn't say it...say it right. And it skimmed your cheek. This is my fault." He stroked my cheek again. I closed my eyes for a second, and the burning was there anymore. I opened them again.

"You didn't mean to. In fact, it could've been worse." I slowly righted myself, wanting to sit up. Magnus tried to push me back down, but I pushed him back. I slowly found myself sitting up. A sigh escaped my lips.

"They're gonna keep looking for me. I have to learn how to use my powers, and how to control them, and how to..." I laced my hand with his. "I don't want anyone to die for me. So that won't happen. Magnus, I want you train me."

Forgotten Love (A Magnus Bane Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now