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Magnus walked me to his room instead pf the guess room he'd given me. Too tired to refuse, I followed him calmly. Gently, he tucked one arm under my legs, sweeping me off my feet. I gasped. "H-hey!" i said through a yawn. "Put me down, you immortal warlock!"

"Calm down, Andrea," Magnus said with a smile. Slowly, I nodded, snuggling against his chest. He gently let me down on the bed. I yawned again, closing my eyes for a second, then opening them and seeing a hazy statue of Magnus. He leaned down next to me, hovering over my face.

I smiled. "Nighty-night."

He kissed the top of the head again, leaving my dreamy and tired. "G'night, Andrea."

"You know," I said before falling asleep. "You could call me Drew."


I awoke to an empty bed. I sat up, looking around. I heard someone humming, and I turned to find Magnus looking through his closet, wearing a pair of red jeans. He was shirtless.

"Hey," I croaked, suddenly aware of my bed-head anf bad breath. Magnus turned around and grinned.

"We need to talk," Magnus started, and I stiffened. Luckily, he didn't see the movement.

"About?" I asked. I got out of bed and walked towards the closet, glancing at his clothes. I bit my lip in order to keep myself from laughing. "Sequins?"

"No peeking," he answered with a wry smile, but soon became serious. "Andrea, we need to talk about you. About Meliorn and Mason and the Seelie Queen-...I mean, your mother." He took a long, deep breath. "I want to help you. I can keep you here if you want me to."

"Magnus," I said, walking towards him and stopping a comfortable distance away. "I couldn't just stay here and bring all that...all the stuff I've brought on you already. It'll get worse. What I have to do is...I have to go to the Seelie Queen and tell her the life she's acting me to come into isn't the one I want to be in. It's the only way."

Magnus steeled a breath. "The Seelie Queen doesn't take no for an answer, Andrea. She's relentless. She'll get you whether you want to or not."

"I know I can handle her. She's my mother. Or, I mean, I guess. I'm sure she'll understand." I gave Magnus a measured look. "If she lets me out...could I still stay here, maybe? With you?"

Magnus gave me a smile, looping his arm around my waist. I let myself melt into his warmth, my hands gently on his arms. "You could stay here under any condition. I'd be happy."

"Would you?" I answered cunnigly, leaning into him and tipping my head back slightly. Magnus laughed breathily, leaning in to skim his lips over mine. My eyes blinked closed, wanting to feel the fullness, even for a second.

"Oh, believe me," Magnus whispered, gripping me tighter. "I would."

"Kiss me," I whispered against his lips. The warlock oblidged, kissing me softly against the lips. I smiled lightly in between the kiss, finally breaking it off and taking a small breath. "Goodness gracious, Magnus Bane," I murmured, running a hand through his black hair. He laughed.

"So I've been told," he answered cunningly. He gently let go off me, keeping our hands intertwined. "If you want, you could go take a shower."

"Was that rudeness I detected? Do I not look good straight out of bed?" I laughed. Magnus grinned, twirling me around.

"You tell me," he answered, and then lightly pushed me towards the door.

"You just told me," I said over my shoulder, and trudged my way to the bathroom. It was still steamy from Magnus' shower, and the faint scent of sandalwood greeted my nose.

I peeked into drawers, finding a toothbrush that was still in its package. I brushed my teeth, showered, and then wrapped myself in a towel before walking out, wringing my hair. "Magnus," I called. "Do you have, like, clothes or something?"

"I hope you're okay with seq-" Magnus started, coming out of his room. Then he saw me and his eyes went wide. "-uins."

I giggled and pushed past him. "It depends on the shirt. If it's nothing but sequins, then I refuse."

"Oh, tsk-tsk," Magnus responded, quickly getting over my near-nakedness. He came back into the room, opening his closet and taking out a shirt that was peppered with sequins around the shoulders. It was white except for the sequins, which were silver. I nodded my head.

"That works." I grabbed the shirt and ushered Magnus out of the room. He gave me a smirk and quickly walked out.

"Before you slept off," Magnus said as he walked down the hallway. "You asked me to grab stuff from your apartment. Clothes and stuff."

"I did?" I asked nonchalantly, not remembeing much of the night before.

"Yup. It's on the drawer." I heard Magnus begin to whistle. I grinned.

I put on my undergarmets that Magnus had brought from my apartment, then slipped the shirt over my head. It went to my mid-thighs.

I found a pair of leggings and I slipped those on, and then I walked down the hallway to find Magnus making a batch of scrambled eggs.

"How did you know I didn't like them sunny-side up?" I asked with a smile. Magnus grinned in response.

"You didn't seem like a sunny-side up type of girl." Magnus grinned, put a plate out for me on the counter, and laid the scrambled eggs on it. They were steaming, and the smell alone made my mouth water.

Next to the scrambled eggs, Magnus put down a glass of tea. I took the cup in my hands and took a sip. "Mm," I said, closing my eyes to indulge the tea. "What type is this? It tastes...lemon-y."

"Lemon-y? I was going for cranberry-...y." Magnus creased his eyebrows, turning back to the stove. Soone nough, he was seated next to me, eating his scrambled eggs. I took a sip and smiled lightly.

"You are one very good cook," I said with another nod. "This is-"

Suddenly, a tugging feeling came to my gut. I gasped, dropping my fork.

"Andrea?" Magnus asked, suddenly alert.

And suddenly, I couldn't hear him anymore. I could feel nothing but water sploshing back in forth around my feet. "No..." I whispered, unable to think of something else to say.

Forgotten Love (A Magnus Bane Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now