Chapter 17 - Hate and Love

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Younghee's POV

2 weeks have passed.

I changed my clothes and getting ready to pick up Mingyu at the airport.

I have lots of stories i need to tell him after he didn't contact me at all when he's at Japan -_- such a busy man.

I checked the time arrival and it says that he's gonna arrive in a few mins. So i went to the waiting room and wait there..

A few mins later, there are lots of people came out.

"I guess he has arrived. But how the hell am i supposed to find him in this sea of humans??"
"Ah gotcha!" I saw his head since he's pretty tall.

"MINGYU OPPA!!!!!!!!"

"AH YOU STARTLED ME! I thought i have a new crazy fan." Mingyu chuckled.

"You? Have a fan? AHAHAHAH"

"Lol. Why did you laugh? I look like an idol, you know. I fulfilled the idol-type. I'm tall, handsome, i also can play music instrument!" Mingyu said.

"What?? What kind of instrument do you play? Why i didn't know about this??"

"Piano." Mingyu said

"Really?? What song can you play?"

"Hmm.. i can play do re mi fa sol la si do!" Mingyu chuckled

"YAH! PABO! I guess you became more annoying after you went to Japan -_- I hate you."

"Hahahah. Well i think you're right. But i disagree with the last one." Mingyu said with a serious voice

"What? Why?"

"Hm. I know you won't be able to hate me. Am i right? ^^" and he did some aegyo.

"Eww. Ofcourse i can!" But i blushed. Well, A bit!

"Woah, your face is damn red. Enough talking.. I know you like me, Younghee. You're bad at lying lol. Now let's head to my cafe. I'm gonna make you some dessert and coffee."

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