Male Serana X Reader (Part 1)

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I jump back as the tomb starts to open, and reveals a handsome man if I do say so myself.

He looks startled and looks around, when his eyes landed on me I saw what he was. Damn. Always the cute ones.

"Wh...what? Where.. who are you?" He asked with a raspy voice.

"... Im (Y/N). Who were you expecting?" I ask as I handed him my water cantein, which he took thankfully.

"I was at least expecting someone like me to come." He replied while handing the cantien back.

"You mean a--"

"Vampire? Yes." He replied while stretching. "I must've been gone way longer than we thought. Waaay longer."

"Is that a Elder Scroll?" I ask fearfully. Should I take it from him? He could kill me in a instant. But he looks so lost and scared... I need to help him

"Yes, and it's mine." He replied rolling his eyes.

"How long were you in there?"

"Not sure.. who is the High King?"

"Thats actually up for debate." I reply.

"Oh joy. A war. Nice to know the world didnt get BORING while I was away." I chuckled as he looked at me and smiled slightly. "Listen... can you get me back to my castle? Its off to the east from Solitude. Please? You're the only one I can really... trust a little right now."

I sighed and debated on what I should do. Abandon this poor guy, or kill him. Same thing. I... want to help him. I dont know why... but he is important to me somehow.

"Fine, lets go. Any idea on how to get out of here?" I ask looking around.

"Your guess is as good as mine. Try taking the stairs and go to the right?" He replied.

*time skip because my thumbs hurt 😖😒😄*

We exited the cave and got smacked in the face by Skyrim's harsh weather. I'm a (Nord/Your race) so it (Does/doesnt) bother me.

"By the way.. whats your name? I gave you mine. But you never gave yours." I ask as we walked down the steps.

"Im Sean." He replied while scowling at the sky. "Im no fan of the sun, but it would be better than this." He mumbled.

I chucked I mounted my horse Shadowmere and motioned for him to do the same.

He hopped on behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, TIGHTLY. I was blushing harshly and panicking. But it haulted. What if he tries to bite my neck?! I gulped and he seemed to notice.

"Dont worry. I only drink the blood of girls who annoy me. I wouldnt drink the blood of a pure, kind, beautiful (Race) like yourself." He replied cooly making me blush again and he chuckled and I could FEEL him smirking.

The ride was silent, Sean took care of the wolves and other idiots that stood in our way. I felt happy to have company for once, I travel alone because the females, like Lydia, annoy the crap outta me. And the boys.. dont act as pleasent as they should. But he is different.

He is charming, sweet, GORGEOUS, and even for a vampire is polite and better mannored than ALL THE GUYS IN SKYRIM.

The ride ended sooner than I hoped and we reached the edge of a island and Sean hopped off.

"We used to keep a boat around to get there and back." He said looking around.

"There!" I call as we walk to the boat.

He hops in and I hesitate, Im about to go into a VAMPIRE filled castle. Uh.. should I run? Should I trust him?

"This is the part where you get in," Sean said making me glance at him. He probabaly saw the look of fear and worry in my eyes because his gaze softened. "I wont let them hurt you (Y/N). I promise." He smiled making me crack a small but noticable smile.

We arrived at the gates when Sean yanked on my arm causing me to hault.

"Before we go in..." He trailed off.

"Are you okay?" I ask as he looks at me surprised and answers.

"Yeah... thank you. When we go in Im going to have to go on my own. Just for a little."

I gulp but nodded my head as I heard someone shout, "Sean has returned!"

I brace myself as we enter, Sean grabbed my hand and gave it a reassuring sqeeze, but sadly he let go when we entered and I tried to hide in the shadows.

"Ah! At last! My long-lost son returned to me!" I heard a voice I did not like boom as it echoed in the castle.

I looked down at the tables and saw dead bodies everywhere, blood, guts... yeah...

Im going to die you bastard Sean!

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