Ancano X Reader-- What if? --

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Before I begin basically this is the scene of The Eye of Magnus, contains spoilers about the college quest, so DONT BLAME MEH I WARNED U! Also you are a High Elf just for this one. So basically this is all a change, what if Ancano stopped damaging the eye and became good? What if you guys fell in love? Yeah stuff like that.

I ran inside with Tolfdir and haulted to a stop as me and Ancano made eye contact.

My eyes watered, how could he do all this? Mirabelle... Arch Mage..

He looked at me with wide eyes and Tolfdir tried to reason with Ancano. I held the staff in my hands, they shook with fear. Fear of loosing him. Fear of loosing your best friend, fear of losing the one you love.

"A-Ancano! Stop... stop PLEASE!" I shouted out loud making him stop and look at me.

"I..." he mumbled and looked at his hands. "Its too late for me isnt it? Everyone is hurt.. because of me... Mirabelle and Arch Mage... dead. They wont ever forgive me. YOU wont ever forgive me..." He sobbed and I walked near him.

"Its NOT too late! Come with me! We can make amends with the others, and each other!"

He lowered his arms slowly but haulted. I sigh and run to him hugging him to dear life as he lowered his arms completely, stopping his magic.

"(Y/-Y/N).." He sobbed as he huggesd you tight. You whispered sweet nothings to him as you use the Staff of Magnus on the Eye, haulting the destruction of the world.

"Well done, Ancano." Tolfdir said behind us.

"N-No... I caused all this... its all my fault..." he replied.

"But you changed your ways for (Y/N). There is proof you can become the good person thats deep down inside. You just need a little help." He reply looking at me. I smile warmly.

The Psijic Monks came and retrieved the Eye while Ancano apologized to everyone. Sincerely. He quit being a Thalmor and joined the college fully.

He has nightmares about the event, but you're always there to comfort him.


I was walking towards the arch-mage quarters (Now my quarters) when I heard a shout echo through the empty halls, the rest of my fellow mages were at a ancient burrial grounds, so it started me greatly.

I turned towards the scream to see Ancano rush through the halls, SHIRTLESS.

"A-A-Ancano! P-put on a shirt! And what are you even doing here? I thought I told Tolfdir to take every..." I didn't get to finish because the next thing I knew Ancano rushed over to me and engulfed me in a bear hug.

I was about to retaliate, but I noticed him shaking slightly, and my neck that his face was nuzzled into was slighlty damp from... tears?

"Ancano? Are you okay? Was it another night terror? Do you wanna-- AHH!" I yelp as he lifts me off the ground bridal style without saying a word and starts walking to his quarters.

"ANCANO!" I yell as he tosses me on his bed and crawls on the bed as well, grabbing me and basically spooning me. He showed no signs of letting go, but I was in a awkward position, so I turned to face him, and blushed because I totally forgot he wasnt a wearing a shirt. (Okaaaay -.-)

He sighs with relief it sounds like, and hugs me even closer if possible.

A few moments pass when I break the silence, "Want to talk about it? Was it about the Eye of Magnus? Was it about the Thalmor?"

"You talk too much. No, it wasnt about the eye. No, it wasnt about the Thalmor, and NO I most certanly do not want to talk about it." He replies while stroking my (H/L)(H/C) hair.

"Ancano, I wanna help. If you wont let me I'm leaving." I reply while beggining to get up.

"NO!" He shouts while yanking me back down and cuddling me to death.
I sigh and mumble "baby" under my breath.



*sigh*"It was about... you." He says so quietly I barely hear.

"Me?" I ask as he nods.

"You... were killed. By the Thalmor, they wanted revenge against me... so they took away the most precious thing to me. You..." he muttered the last part but I heard.

"I---" I began but he cut me off by kissing me.

My eyes widened, but I kissed back right away.

We pulled away and he smiled.

"Thank you for staying by my side through everything... You have changed my life for the better. I love you (Y/N)."

I kissed him again and smiled brightly, "Thank YOU for being you Ancano. I love you too."

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