Vilkas X Sick! Reader!

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Shoutout to EmanuelaAresu for requesting! Thank you! 😄

I stumble out of my room in Jorrvasker (did I spell it wright? Meh)
and go out to the dining hall.

My head is spinning like a top I keep sneezing and coughing, and my vision keeps going fuzzy. But I need to do a job, I haven't in a while, and I'm Harbinger. I can't slack off.

I put on a expressionless face and waltze over to Vilkas.

"H-Hey Vilkas." I barely managed to get out without coughing.

He jumps at my voice and turns around, shutting his book that he always has and coughs nervously.

"H-Hello there Harbinger. What can I do you for?" He stutters out. Huh. I thought I was the sick one. But he looks as red as Alduin's eyes right now.

"Call me (Y/N). I don't like close friends calling me that."

"Yeah... friends..." He mumbles. "Anyways what can I do for you?"

"I.... need..." I start to pant heavily.

"Are you alright?"

"Peachy... just..." I didn't get to finish because I collapsed.

- Vilkas P.O.V -

"Call me (Y/N). I don't like close friends calling me that." She said with a grunt. I noticed she was looking sickly pale.

"Yeah... friends..." I mumble with a sigh. "Anyway what can I do for you?"

"I.... need..." She started to wobble and was sweating and was panting.

"Are you alright?" I ask worridly and she shakes her head.

"Peachy... just..." Then she collapsed. I managed to catch her in my arms and I was freaking the hell out.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" I shouted. "Hey hey. Come on! Wake up!" I nudged her.

Farkus ran over because of my shouting and kneeled down. "What happened, brother?"

"Sh-She just collapsed!" I sputtered out.

"Wow. I've never seen you this panicked before... get her to her room." Farkus said and I nodded and lifted her up easily and carried her to her room.


- (Y/N) P.O.V -

I open my eyes and look around. I'm in my bed. How'd I get here? I remember talking to Vilkas and then...

I look to my side and see a hand clapsed around mine. I look to the owner of the hand and see Vilkas there sleeping in the chair with his book on his lap.

Hmm.. What's in that book. I think and use the hand he isnt holding and gently grab the book.

I open it to the first page and gasp lightly.

It was a beautiful drawing of a (Your race), and looked exactly like you. The title read, 'The most beautiful (Y/R) I ever laid eyes on.'

I blush and look at Vilkas. It'd be awkward if it wasnt me!

I flip to the last page that was drawn on and smile. It was a drawing of me I assume again, smiling at him holding a torch. This was the latest adventure we went on... The title read 'The woman I love'. My eyes widened and I gasped a little too loud.

".... (Y/n)?" I heard Vilkas mumble from next to me and he rubs his eyes.

As soon as they land on me holding the book his eyes widen and he turns dark red. "I.. Uh! I CAN EXPLAIN!" He yells while trying to grab the book.

I keep it away and ask, "You... think I'm beautiful?"

He nods while looking down.

"You... love me?" I ask again, hoping he says 'yes'.

He looks me in the eye and says, "Yes." Loud and clear. "I.. get if you dont love me back. I mean, you're you... and Im.. me."

I shut the book and draw near him and kiss him lightly on the lips. I pull away and almost laugh at his expression. He must by now be even redder than Alduin's eyes. His own eyes are wide and his mouth is slightly opened.

"You have your answer?" I ask with a small smirk.

He comes out of his trance and lunges at me and kisses me all over the face. I giggle and whine, "Vilkass! Let me sleeeep!"

He stops and he smiles wide and lays next to me. I smile and snuggle into his side. He wraps his arms around me and sighs in content.

"Night Vilkas... Love you." I mumble falling asleep.

"I love you more." He mumbles back.

- Meanwhile -

"Farkus! Come here!!" Aela whispers to me as I walk by.

I stand next to her and peer into (Y/N)'s room. I smile as I see her and Vilkas snuggled up with each other.

"Thats real cute." I say as I back away.

"Must be nice." Aela mumbles.

"Hey Aela?" I smirk.

"What, Icebrain?"

"I love you." I say genuinly.

She snaps her head at me and her eyes widen. "I.... do too."

I nod. "Good. Cause we're gonna go to that," I say pointing towards them, "so you don't feel left out." I say while dragging her to my room.

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