Male Serana X Reader (Final)

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I sigh as we enter Harkons Castle, bow in hand. Me or Sean have not mentioned the kiss THIS WHOLE JOURNEY.


I quickly jump and pull away as Sean coughs awkwardly and scratches his neck. He looked, hurt? Sad?

I was about to ask when he grunted and asked, "We need to find a Moth Priest to read the scrolls. I heard there is one somewhere at Dragon Bridge. Lets go."

And so we did all of the hoo hah, the priest, the scrolls, finding his mom, VERY EMOTIONAL time.

And now here we are, about to face Harkon.

~end flashback~

He hardly talked, let alone looked, at me the whole time. We have been a team for abou 25 days. And NOTHING!

I quickly take care of the vampires lurking around with the Dawnguard and Sean.

I run up the stairs, too pissed to care where Sean is and enter the Main Chamber. "Harkon, THIS ENDS NOW!"
I shout.

"Indeed it does, for YOU!" He shouted as he changed into his Vampire Lord form and shoots his powers at me.

I took aim and shot him, doing some, but not enough damage. He uses his powers and slams me to the ground and to the wall, leaving me on the floor.

He was coming closer, closer, when another Vampire Lord slamed into him causing Harkon to stumble back.

Sean? I thought as they fought each other.

The battle was fierce, and Sean was loosing. Bad. I got enough strength to stand up and take aim at Harkons heart. But he moved all over the place.

STAY STILL FOR THE LOVE OF MARA! I yelled in my head and Sean turned to look at me and.. nodded?

Sean quickly grabbed Harkon in a death grip and I got the idea and took aim once more. I shot the golden arrow, and the room was covered in a  bright light as Harkon shouted and dissenigrated. (Did I spell it right? Oh wells o.o)

I sigh as I collapse on the floor and Sean, no longer a Vampire Lord, was at my side. Isran ran in and saw us and lookes at the pile of ash and blood.

He quietly thanked Sean surprisingly, and left. I sigh as an awkward silence falls apon us, and I go to get up, but then I looked in Sean's eyes, anger burned furiously in them.

"WHY DIDNT YOU WAIT FOR ME! WHY DID YOU RUN IN HERE ALONE? LOOK WHAT HAPPENED! YOU'RE NEARLY DEAD! ALL BECAUSE... because you hate me that much.." He yelled, but his anger burned away to sorrow as he hung his head down low.

"I.." I began but was cut off by Sean standing up.

He started walking away. No! I shot up and yelled out "Sean!" And as he turned around I kissed him.

I heard him gasp before he started kissing back and I felt him have the biggest grin on his face.

"I thought YOU hated ME." I mumbled as we pulled away.

"Not in a million years." He whispered and hugged me tight.

"Sean... make me a vampire."

"W-what?" He asks shocked.

"I never want to leave you.. so make me a vampire."

"You.. would do that? For me?"

I nod and he hesitantly bites my neck, trying to make it painless as possible.

I smile and open my (Eye color) eyes, but only to find them a bright yellow now.

Me and Sean smile big, knowing we would be together. Forever.

Woah that ending sounded creepy o.o FOREVERRR! Oh yeah. I wanted to thank whoever read my story! You can request stuff you want to read make your reading experience better! Bye 😁💙

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