Farkus! Overcoming Fears!

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I dunno, I was just thinking like, what if Farkus over came his fear to save his beloved (Y/N)? So here ya go!


"Farkus! Farkus!" I hear (Y/N) shout excitedly as she runs to me.

"Yeah?" I ask, trying to remain calm. I heard we were suppose to go to Duskman's Cavern (uh sure) which made me really nervous. They have big ass spiders. WITH THE HAIRY LEGS AND UGH!

"You're gonna be my shield-brother! Isn't this exciting!! We never go out with each other which is a huge bummer." She says making me do a dorky smile.

"So I heard. Let's head out, yeah?" I ask, praying to all the god's no spiders are there.

"Don't worry. I'll deal with those spiders." She says smiling at me. I looked at her, trying to find the teasing tone and look, but saw none. She's serious.

"I..." I trail off and rub my neck. She just smiles and nods and spins around and walks to the door, me following close behind.

- (Y/N)'s P.O.V -

I told Farkus I would take care of the spiders, I know how frightened he is of them, so I didn't want to put him through that. I mean, he is like a cute puppy!! His big eyes.. his calm nature... yeah... ANYWAYS. We entered Duskman's Cavern and my usual fun, bright expression turned serious, as it always does on serious tasks.

I crouched down, and motioned him to do the same. I heard the moans of dragur, and drew my Elven bow, and shot its head.

We continued like this for awhile, and he would always have my back, like I knew he would.

He took care of dragur I didnt see, or other things like skeevers and what not. I took care of the spiders.

"FUS... ROH DAH!" I shouted, causing the 5 dragurs in front of me to go flying and falling dead with a 'thump'.

"I will never get over how awesome that is." Farkus says from behind me, causing me to laugh.

"It really hurts the throat though!" I say jokingly as he laughs.


We're almost near the main room, where usually there's just a bunch of dragur lurking, and a boss. Key word here, usually.

I snuck into the room, and nearly had a heart attack when I came face to face with a huge frosbite spider.

"FARKUS STAY BACK! HUGE ASS SPIDERS!" I warn as I slash at the creatures legs, making it unable to move.

I felt a sting at my side and see another huge spider shot poison at me. I cry out in pain and shoot the spider in the head, killing it instintly.

I hear three loud hisses and turn to see 3 more spiders closing in on me. They all shoot poison at me and by now I'm screaming in pain when I hear, "Get... GET AWAY FROM HER YOU UGLY FREAKS OF NATURE!"

- Farkus P.O.V -

"FARKUS STAY BACK! HUGE ASS SPIDERS!" (Y/N) warns me as I hear her slashing at it.

I scoot back from the entrance, but hear (Y/N) cry out in pain. I stop and look down. I go closer to the entrance door, and see her being cornered by 3 huge frosbite spiders, and she is holding her side.

I walk closer and try swallowing my fear, but all of it burns away to anger as I see them all shoot poison, and she screams in pain.

"Get... GET AWAY FROM HER YOU UGLY FREAKS IF NATURE!" I shout while charging towards one, cutting it in half with my greatsword. I turn to come face to face with another one and I punch it in the face, making it stagger back.

I use this distraction to impail his head, ending it.

I hear a hiss and spin around and see (Y/N) stabbing it's head. She looks at me and smiles weakly.

I run to her and embrace her whle inspecting her face.

"Farkus... you overcame your fears of spiders?" She asks while looking at me.

"Oh hell no. Those things still scare me shitless." I respond scooting us away from the dead spider corspses.

"But.. you like... did all this?"

"For you, and you only." I respond while rubbing my head.

She smiles and kisses my cheeck quickly and scoots away.

"Sorry.." She squeaks and I move closer.

"You missed?" I say and sigh. "I'm your knight in shining armor, and all I get is a kiss on the cheek?" I move closer and pull her towards me. "No.. I deserve more, don't you think?"

She smiles and nods her head and I lean closer. "Hey Farkus?" She whispers right as I was about to kiss her.


"There's a spider on your shoulder."

"WHAT WHERE OMIGOSH (Y/N) GET IT OFF I--" I stop as I hear her laughing and smacking her legs and clapping her hands like a retarded Horker.

I playfully glare at her and she gulps and runs away, me following close behind.


Meh.. not too happy with this one. It was so short ;^; I'm sorry, but I am SOOO tired! I'll make it up to you! Bye bye for now!

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