the night

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Lacie pov

'' guys lets play a game'' Louis said we all nodded and walked inside these boys are big on night games. but i just want to relax.

'' no hide and seek or truth or dare okay?" jersie said

'' yeah I'm tired''' mohenie saidnagreing with jersie and I nodded taking nialls hand in mine.

'' so 20 questions?" liam asked.

'' yup" we all said in usion.

we walked to the living room, on our way me and jersie tripped and fell over. we ended up all laughing. their house is huge well niall's house is huge.

we sit on the couch, the order is niall, me, jersie, harry, Louis mohenie.. on the chairs are Liam and zayn. I don't know how we all fit but we do.

'' Louis go'' I said and he asked a random question to mohenie and she just blushed and looked away.


half way threw the game jersie and i got calls at the same time. we go to the back deck to answer..

'' hello?" I ask

'' is this Lacie brinkerhoff?"

''' yes, who is this?"

'' this is Adurey with the Ireland medical center I'm calling about our dad?"

'' my dad passed away a year ago''

'' um well we have a Brandon brinkerhoff and you the only brinkerhoff in Ireland.''

'' he died you have the wrong person'' and with that i hung up.

jersie pov.

I see Lacie hang up and walk inside as I'm still on the phone.

I was put on hold.

'' hello?" that lady said.

'' yes''

'' this is jersie carlsen right''

'' yes?"

'' your currently in Ireland with one direction?"

this has to be some crazed fan that is stalking harry..

'' maybe?" I oause '' who is this?"

'' this is stephine with the papparizza. I need your-'' I hang up and run inside,

''HARRY!'' he already here.

'' yes babe?" he asks sitting down with me on the floor.

'' that was the paps calling they, one of them is here in the yard or something she asked me if i was with you I said maybe she was going to ask me for help to get some inside details of your break up with darcey'''  I start crying harry doesn't flinch when I say darcey.

'' shhh its OK. you'll be ok''' by this time everyone was here around me and harry.

'' what happe- '' zayn started ask but harry waved him off.

Lacie pov

harry is taking jersie upstairs to sleep. we don't know what happened we just heard her yell harry and then next thing we know jersies crying..

we all are back in the ivng room no ones  talking just silence, every thing keeps getting werider and werider..

- a little while later (read in spongebobs narrorator voice)

harry comes down the stairs with red eyes, he's been crying. that means jersie has too.

'' harry-''

''stop please stop''

I nod.

we are still I'm silence, I get up to walk around and get some food when. see jersie's phone lying on the floor. imeadatly I pick it up and there's a text from an unknown number

niall and harry won't be here for long


hey guys I had to put a cliff hanger in here...

I'm evil..


anyway how are you guys

I'm amzayn thanks for asking..


question of the day!

what's your favorite color???  and where do you live

like the UK, USA,Aussie, those other places I'm to lazy to list

mimes blue and orange.. and I live in the USA (Utah)

thanks hotties


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