Chapter 1

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I walk into the audition room as the other judges are arriving. Me being me, I can be shy at first but as you get to know me Im the exact opposite. I go and sit in my spot in between Keith and Harry. JLo goes and sits on the other side of Harry.

"Keith look we have another one!" Harry says with a grin as he points to me.

"Hey!" I look up and laugh

"So whats your name?" Keith asks.

"Caitlin" I smile then look back down to my notebook.

"Oh! Aren't you that singer who sings 'Last Summer'?" He smiles

"mhmm thats me"

"I love that song! Sooo whatcha doing?"

"writing, sketching, stuff" I laugh.

"Soo what stuff?" Harry asks.

"Guys leave her alone, she's got her stuff and you've got yours. Besides here comes the first contestant"

We go through the first half of the contestants and come up on our lunch break. So far we've been getting along well but I still don't feel super comfortable around them.

"So Cait - If I can call you that- do you want to come with us to lunch?" He nudges me "C'mon it'll be fun!"

"Ok ok I'll come! Yes you can call me anything you want" I grin.

"So if I called you, Epic Flying Waffles or or Bob, It be ok?" Harry asks

"No it wouldn't" were all laughing.

"Guys stop picking on her!" Jlo says as we grab our things and head off to find food...

"So Cait your very quiet, are you normally shy or?" Keith asks

"Yes at the start but as you get to know me, Im worlds different."

"Ah so what things other than music interest you?"

"Horses, art, running.. uh"

He laughs "horses are cool, I love to run. Maybe we should get together and run one day"

"That be cool! I hope you like distance cause I'm a distance runner."

"Mhmm I do." He laughs as we finish our lunch.

"Time to Head back guys." Ryan comes and gets us "Cait so how is it being a judge?"

"Definitely better than being on the other side. Its definitely hard to say no but"

"Thats always the hard part" Keith butts in as he grabs my arm to lead me to the car.

-back at the audition room-

"So Keith I heard about your divorce.. are you ok? what happened?"

"Yeah I'm fine, we never got along so we just went separate ways.."

"Ah well thats a shame"

"Eh I've gotten over it."

"Ah well thats good I guess" I smile..

Only You Can Love Me This WayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora