Chapter 3

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-a week or so later after the auditions-

I've been getting closer with Keith but I still don't know if he likes me.. I walk into his dressing room without even thinking about knocking, he's got his shirt off and I kinda startle him.

"Oh I'm so sorry! I shoulda knocked" I jump back startled but liking the view.

He laughs "its ok haha so whats up?"

"I wanted to talk to you.."

"Ok sure whats up?"

I walk over to him. "so how's life?"

"Uh good you?" he laughs

"Pretty good I guess. so I need your advice.."

"Ok about what?"

I laugh nervously "relationships"

"Ah ok, what about them?" He sits down still with no shirt and pats the other side of the couch.

I sit "well a couple things. What should I do if I like someone and I don't know if they like me back, should I go for it and see what happens or wait? Also how would you know if you could trust them?"

"Ah well If I were you, Id go for it and see what happens. You never know until you try. the trust thing is something you'd have to figure out yourself.. I cant help you there" he smiles.

"Ah ok thanks" I smile and I'm waiting to see how I should do this.

"Is that all or?" he smiles.

"No its not.. one more thing" I smile

"Ok sure!" he smiles

I lean over and Kiss him.. he wasn't expecting it. he pushes me off him

"What the Hell are you doing!?" he's in shock that I just did that.

"I-i thought.." I'm in shock too, I'm in tears.. "wow i totally read that wrong.. I'm sorry I I'm just gonna go." I take off and run to my hotel room crying. *How could I have been so stupid!? I should've known.. Thats it I'm done.. I cant trust anyone..* There's a knock on my door. I get up and answer the door. Its Keith. *What does he want? I cant talk to him.. i cant trust him.. i cant be in love with him.. he doesn't love me..*

"Hey" he says with a smile.

"Whats up?" i wipe away a couple tears.

"Oh just stuff" he's trying to make me smile.

I'm not amused "no"

"C'mon" he gives me a look and i cant help but laugh a little and smile. "There we go, theres that pretty smile"

I blush a little "heh so what did you actually want to talk about? theres gotta be a reason you came up here."

"Well there is. we need to talk"

"We do" i let him in and bring him over to the couch. we both sit down

"About earlier... i want you to know that i want to still be friends- best friends-" he smiles

"Ok well of course!" i fake a smile

"but nothing more than that"

I'm on the verge of crying "o-ok, thats fine. i totally read it wrong and shouldn't have done that.."

"Its ok we all have those moments." He smiles and cracks another joke that makes me smile and laugh.

"Its getting late.. i think I'm going to head in.."

"Yeah i should probably get going" we say our goodbyes and he leaves... As soon as he leaves i just burst out crying. *I knew he didn't love me.. he said i had a pretty smile though.. At least we can still be friends. thats good but..*

Only You Can Love Me This WayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora